The CEO's Woman

Chapter 161 Pain

Chapter 161 Pain

"So... I watched a foreign TV series, where a man tortured the person who killed his son." Jiang Yue said while looking at the men who were dealing with some electrical wires. "There he said that our hands and toes contain the most nerve endings in our body. That’s why acupuncturists avoid touching these parts."

"I AM NOT INTERESTED IN THIS NONSENSE! Let me go now! Or else I will..."

"So noisy..." Jiang Yue said nonchalantly before ordering one of her men. "Gag her."

At first, Wu Ziliang did her best not to let them open her mouth. Yet, she was powerless against them. She could only cry as she watched one of the man stuff the gag in her mouth.

"Hmmm... hmmm...hmmm..."

"It’s all futile Miss Wu. I can’t even understand you now." Jiang Yue said while smiling at her. "Now... where was I? Oh right... nerve endings."

"Then... the man in the series said, that if you shove a needle into one’s finger, it will cause severe pain. That kind of torture is so painful that it lowers your heart rate until you just can’t feel the pain anymore... But I don’t believe him."

"Severe pain doesn’t lower your heart rate, Miss Wu, just elevates it. It increases your blood pressure, pulse rate, adrenaline and so on. But, I’m sure you must already know that, considering your background in medicine, right?"

"Moreover... when we are in severe pain, our body tends to react. It tries to adapt to the pain, lessening the pain until we finally pass out. Ahhh... Passing out would be such a blessing when we experience pain. But what would happen, if we can’t pass out?"

"When someone prevents you from passing out?"

"What do you think will happen to your body then?" Jiang Yue asked curiously. "I don’t know the answer to that question, but I would like to find out about it."

Wu Ziliang instantly widened her eyes. She could already guess Jiang Yue’s plans.

"By now... I assume you already know that I’m planning to stick these needles in your fingers, right?"

"You should know that I am planning to make you experience so much pain that it would make you wish you were dead."

"Hmmm... Hmmm... Hmmm!"

"Hmmm... I agree. It would be very painful! And no Miss Wu. I will not let you go! Not after what you have done to my family." She said before grinning at Wu Ziliang.

Noticing that the men had already finished with the preparations, Jiang Yue immediately asked one of them to connect the wires from the machine to Wu Ziliang’s chair.

"As you must have noticed. You are sitting on a metal chair... so this should not be a surprise for you right?" She taunted.


Jiang Yue was going to electrocute her. Of course not before giving her an unforgettable pain.

Every time Wu Ziliang’s heart would weaken from too much pain, making her pass out, Jiang Yue would personally electrocute her, to wake her up.

Then she would make her feel the pain all over again. It would be an endless circle of pain, endless agony.

And this woman deserved it.

Jiang Yue stared at Wu Ziliang, her gaze unfathomable. Actually, she had never planned on killing this woman.

She had only planned on torturing her by imprisoning her in a really remote dark room. No lights. No windows.

She thought it would be enough to punish her by making her crazier and starve her for days before giving her some food again.

She thought that it would crumble Wu Ziliang, making her wish for her death. After all, there was nothing more frustrating than having someone control your life and death.

However, after what Wu Ziliang had done to her cousin, Jiang Yue seemed to have realized something.

Her original plan for Wu Ziliang was just too simple, too kind.

But after she almost killed her grandfather and Wang Minghua, after every sin that she had done just to satisfy her selfish heart, Jiang Yue couldn’t be kind.

Although Jiang Yue knew that Wu Ziliang wasmentally unstable, she still felt that her revenge was justified. After all, Wu Ziliang had committed several crimes.

Jiang Yue knew that in this life it was sometimes necessary to be ruthless to get things done.

Sometimes, planning and analysing things is not enough. There will be situations where you really need to do the work, dirtying your hands in the process.

One need to be courageous and fearless.

"Now that everything is set. Let us start by inserting a needle into one of her fingers." Jiang Yue commanded one of the men.

The man instantly followed Jiang Yue’s orders and inserted a needle into Wu Ziliang’s middle finger.

Her muffled screams echoed inside the room as the five-inch needle made its way into her nerve endings.

Blood instantly dripped off her hand, some even dripping off the needle tip.

"Do you know that in that movie, the man inserted needles only in his captive’s fingers? I find that too... boring!" Jiang Yue said, feeling elated as she watched Wu Ziliang’s ashen expression. "So I have decided to include your toenails too ! Isn’t that... exciting?"

"Hmmm...Hmmm..." Wu Ziliang shook her head. Tears, sweat, snot already covered most of her face.

Sharp pain laced through her hands traveling all the way to her head. She winced at the fiery burst of pain pulsating through her arms, intensifying by every second.

Her body trembled, her consciousness ebbing away. She was just about to pass out. Losing her consciousness was really a blessing for Wu Ziliang at that moment,. It was a much needed escape.

However, before she could even close her eyes, a sudden violent electrical current made her body convulse jolting her up and making her feel the intense and severe pain all over again.

All her life, she would have never once thought that she would experience such extreme pain and helplessness.

EDITED BY: sanidragon & Yui

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