Real Fake Fiance

Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten

Everyone at the Tao Manor were anxious since Tao Tu Yun was unconscious.

\'How is Tu Yun?\' Luo Bing Liang asked the physician impatiently.

The physician let go of Tao Tu Yun\'s wrist. Then the physician looked at everyone\'s worried faces and shook head sadly at Tao Fang Ao.

\'Second master Tao, lady Tao\'s heart condition is rare,\' the physician said. \'Her heart pulse is faint like her heart stopped beating. I\'m sorry. It appears lady Tao won\'t live past tomorrow.\'

The bedchamber became silent and tenser. No one wanted to believe the physician\'s examination was true.

Su Wu cried loudly in a corner while Tao Fang Ao sat on the bed next to Tao Tu Yun, waiting for her to wake up.

\'Impossible,\' Luo Bing Liang said. \'Tu Yun is young. I won\'t believe she\'s dying. She only spat out blood. She is going to live a long life.\'

Luo Bing Liang looked disbelievingly at Tao Fang Ling. She wanted Tao Fang Ling to tell the physician\'s examination was wrong.

\'Are you certain...\' Tao Fang Ling said.

\'First master Tao, I\'m sorry,\' the physician said. \'I can\'t save lady Tao.\'

\'Second brother...\' Tao Fang Ling said.

\'Elder Jiang!\' Tao Fang Ao called.

Elder Jiang ran into the bedchamber.

\'Second master Tao, I\'m here,\' elder Jiang said.

Elder Jiang sensed the tension in the bedchamber. He suspected the physician gave bad news about Tao Tu Yun\'s health.

\'Elder Jiang, have you prepared everything I asked you to prepare?\' Tao Fang Ao asked.

\'Yes second master Tao,\' elder Jiang said. \'When the news was spread about lady Tao, many people voluntarily travelled around Luo Yang province and Liu Yue province and they helped to collect one thousand finger prints in two days.\'

\'Good,\' Tao Fang Ao said. \'Elder Jiang order the servants to prepare the wedding. I\'m marrying Tu Yun tonight.\'

Everyone were surprised by Tao Fang Ao\'s words except for Su Wu.

\'Quickly, go prepare the wedding!\' Tao Fang Ao ordered.

Elder Jiang stumbled backward, turned around and ran outside.

\'Second brother, tell me what happened,\' Tao Fang Ling said.

\'First brother, come outside with me,\' Tao Fang Ao said.

Tao Fang Ao\'s eyes lingered on Tao Tu Yun sleeping on the bed for a while then he followed Tao Fang Ling outside the bedchamber.

\'Su Wu, stop crying,\' Luo Bing Liang said. \'Tao Fang Ao won\'t let Tu Yun die.\'

Luo Bing Liang patted Su Wu\'s back and followed Tao Fang Ling outside the bedchamber too.

\'Mistress, did you hear?\' Su Wu asked softly. \'Second master Tao is marrying you tonight. You\'re not going to die.\'

In Tao Fang Ling and Luo Bing Liang\'s bedchamber, Tao Fang Ao stood in front of the window and he explained Tao Tu Yun\'s situation.

\'Second brother, why didn\'t you tell us about Tu Yun\'s situation sooner?\' Tao Fang Ling asked.

\'Having less people know about Tu Yun\'s situation is my way of protecting her,\' Tao Fang Ao said.

Tao Fang Ao wished Tao Tu Yun worried about her own life as much as she worried about saving people.

\'I didn\'t think a gift like Tu Yun\'s gift exist in the world,\' Luo Bing Liang said. \'It\'s as rare for someone like Tu Yun to exist in the world who cares more about saving people than her own life.\'

\'Second brother, what happens if the fortune teller\'s way to save Tu Yun\'s life doesn\'t work?\' Tao Fang Ling asked.

Tao Fang Ling was skeptical about fortune tellers. But he wanted to believe Tao Tu Yun\'s life could be saved.

\'Fang Ling is right,\' Luo Bing Liang said. \'What should we do if Tu Yun...\'

\'It\'ll work,\' Tao Fang Ao said. \'Tu Yun will be my wife, and we\'ll grow old together.\'

Tao Fang Ling and Luo Bing Liang didn\'t want to upset Tao Fang Ao by voicing all their doubts. They looked at each other, and understood Tao Fang Ao loved Tu Yun too deeply to accept there was a chance the fortune teller\'s way would fail. They could only hope Tao Tu Yun\'s life could be saved.

\'Second brother, you have two shichen hours left until the wedding,\' Tao Fang Ling said. \'Go change into the groom\'s clothes. Let Bing Liang and I oversee the wedding preparations for you.\'

\'Thank you first brother,\' Tao Fang Ao said.

Tao Fang Ling was both a father and older brother in Tao Fang Ao\'s eyes. Even though no one could stop Tao Fang Ao from marrying Tao Tu Yun, he was grateful for Tao Fang Ling\'s support.

\'Second brother, you don\'t need to thank me,\' Tao Fang Ling said. \'I\'m your first brother, it\'s my duty to take care of you. I\'ll even fight with Dizang if Dizang appears to take Tu Yun\'s soul.\'

Tao Fang Ling held Luo Bing Liang\'s hand, and they walked outside to oversee the wedding preparations.

In the evening, everyone from the Tao Manor attended the wedding in the ceremonial hall.

The groom Tao Fang Ao and the bride Tao Tu Yun were dressed in red.

Su Wu helped the unconscious Tao Tu Yun stand and bow during the wedding ceremony.

Elder Jiang cried the happiest tears to see Tao Fang Ao marry Tao Tu Yun because he watched Tao Fang Ao grow up.

After the wedding ceremony, Tao Fang Ao carried Tao Tu Yun to the bedchamber.

\'Elder Jiang, did you put the fabric that Su Wu embroidered my wife\'s name and date of birth on the altar?\' Tao Fang Ao asked. \'Have you instructed everyone what time to burn the paper finger prints and to ask the heavens to save my wife outside the bedchamber?\'

\'Yes second master Tao,\' elder Jiang said.

\'Good,\' Tao Fang Ao said.

Elder Jiang walked outside the bedchamber, where Luo Bing Liang was scared they couldn\'t save Tao Tu Yun\'s life.

\'Fang Ling, I\'m scared...\' Luo Bing Liang said.

\'Bing Liang, you need to believe,\' Tao Fang Ling said. \'For second brother\'s sake, all we can do is believe we can help save Tao Tu Yun\'s life.\'

\'First master Tao is right,\' elder Jiang said. \'We need to believe we can help save second master Tao\'s wife. The Tao Household\'s ancestors are asking the heavens to save their descendant\'s wife too.\'

Xiao Hong and the other servants gathered outside the bedchamber before the ox hour because they wanted the heavens see how much they truly wanted the heavens to let Tao Tu Yun live.

The servants stared anxiously at the lit red lanterns outside the bedchamber while they asked the heavens to let Tao Tu Yun live.

Tao Fang Ling gave out scented candles to the servants. They knelt around a circle of lit scented candles outside the bedchamber.

At the hour of the ox, everyone at the Tao Manor heard an eerie dog bark that sounded like Ox Head coming toward the bedchamber.

Inside the bedchamber, Tao Fang Ao hugged Tao Tu Yun tightly. If he couldn\'t feel her faint heartbeat then he would have thought she was dead.

Tao Fang Ao heard the eerie dog bark too. He wasn\'t going to let Ox Head take Tao Tu Yun from him.

A gust of wind blew the lit red lanterns in the bedchamber. Tao Fang Ao heard crunching footsteps on the scattered rice floor, and saw Ox Head\'s footprints on the scattered rice floor too. In his life, he feared losing Tao Tu Yun the most.

\'No!\' Tao Fang Ao said. \'I won\'t let anyone take Tu Yun away from me!\'

Tao Fang Ao felt an invisible presence going back and forth in front of the bed like it was searching for something.

A while later, Tao Fang Ao felt Tao Tu Yun stopped breathing, and the invisible presence slowly moved away from the bed.

Tao Fang Ao looked toward the open door and he was scared to see Ox Head carrying Tao Tu Yun\'s soul away from the bed. In that moment he truly believed the fortune teller\'s words.

\'No!\' Tao Fang Ao yelled.

Everyone heard Tao Fang Ao\'s pitiful yell, and they ran into the bedchamber. When they saw Tao Fang Ao cry, they cried too.

Luo Bing Liang cried loudly on Tao Fang Ling\'s chest. She didn\'t want to accept that they failed to save Tao Tu Yun\'s life.

\'Mistress...\' Su Wu called in a choked voice and cried.

\'Everyone leave!\' Tao Fang Ao said. \'Don\'t disturb my wife and me!\'

Everyone saw Tao Fang Ao buried his face on Tao Tu Yun\'s neck, and they understood how much he was grieving.

After everyone went outside the bedchamber, Tao Fang Ao still hugged Tao Tu Yun tightly. He didn\'t want to accept he lost Tao Tu Yun forever.

Memories of Tao Tu Yun appeared in Tao Fang Ao\'s head. Like the first day he met her and saved her from a pervert. How she looked when she found out she lost the betrothal jade bracelet. She wasn\'t angry and attempted to leave the Tao Manor. That day he didn\'t know why he didn\'t want her to end their betrothal and thought of ways to detain her at the Tao Manor. He was attracted to her gentleness and kind heart. He didn\'t know when his attraction turned into deep love. But the moment Ox Head took her soul, he truly knew how deeply he loved her.

Tao Fang Ao regretted hurting Tao Tu Yun when he said he was disappointed in her because she risked her life regardless of how much he and the people who care about her valued her life.

Tao Fang Ao kissed Tao Tu Yun\'s forehead and his tears dripped onto her face.


Tao Fang Ao was lost in his grief that he didn\'t notice Tao Tu Yun was slowly opening her eyes.

\'Ah...\' Tao Tu Yun murmured.

Tao Tu Yun\'s soft murmur startled Tao Fang Ao. He slowly opened his teary eyes, looked at Tao Tu Yun\'s face and cried joyful tears.

News of Tao Fang Ao\'s dead wife coming back to life quickly spread throughout Luo Yang province. The citizens believed the generations of the Tao Household\'s good deeds miraculously revived Tao Tu Yun\'s life.

The physician believed in miracles for the first time when the physician checked Tao Tu Yun\'s pulse. Tao Tu Yun\'s pulse was healthy compared to her faint pulse the last time the physician examined her.

Everyone in the Tao Manor took good care of Tao Tu Yun, and she recovered her health quickly.

\'Mistress, eat this bowl of soup,\' Su Wu said.

Tao Fang Ao walked into the bedchamber and saw his wife was awake.

\'Su Wu, I\'ll feed my wife,\' Tao Fang Ao said.

\'Fang Ao, I can feed myself,\' Tao Tu Yun protested.

Tao Fang Ao took the bowl of soup from Su Wu\'s hands and gestured Su Wu to leave.

Su Wu left the bedchamber and Tao Fang Ao sat on the bed next to Tao Tu Yun with the bowl of soup in his hands.

\'Let me feed you,\' Tao Fang Ao insisted.

Tao Fang Ao thought his wife\'s complexion was still pale but he was grateful she was alive.

\'Fang Ao, I\'m sorry I made everyone at the Tao Manor worry about me,\' Tao Tu Yun said.

After Tao Tu Yun woke up, Su Wu recounted everything Tao Fang Ao and everyone else at the Tao Manor did to save Tao Tu Yun\'s life.

\'Tu Yun, you\'re not an outsider,\' Tao Fang Ao said. \'You\'re my wife. It\'s natural for everyone at the Tao Manor to take care of my wife. Besides, of course I would honor my promise for us to grow old together.\'

Tao Tu Yun\'s heart was deeply moved by Tao Fang Ao\'s words.

Tao Fang Ao fed Tao Tu Yun the bowl of soup. He put the empty bowl of soup on the table and hugged her.

Tao Fang Ao could only relax when he could feel Tao Tu Yun\'s heartbeat. The memory of her heart stopped beating traumatized him.

\'Fang Ao, I can\'t believe I\'m alive,\' Tao Tu Yun said. \'We\'re married and we\'ll get to grow old together.\'

Tao Tu Yun felt her being alive was surreal. She was grateful the heavens let her live a long life with Tao Fang Ao.

\'Wife, you owe me a wedding night,\' Tao Fang Ao said. \'You need to compensate me a wedding night.\'

Tao Fang Ao pulled the beaded curtains down. He laid on top of Tao Fang Ao\'s soft body and kissed her lips while undressing her and himself.

The beaded curtains clinked together in rhythm with the newlyweds\' movements on the bed.

When Tao Tu Yun woke up again, her body ached and on her left wrist there was a familiar jade bracelet with Tao Fang Ao\'s name engraved on the jade bracelet. Seeing Tao Fang Ao\'s name made her remember their first time together and her face turned red.

Su Wu parted the beaded curtains and Tao Tu Yun coughed awkwardly. Tao Tu Yun was embarrassed Su Wu saw her naked body after her first time together with Tao Fang Ao.

\'Mistress, I prepared a bath tub of warm water for you,\' Su Wu said. \'After a bath, you\'ll feel refreshed.\'

Su Wu helped Tao Tu Yun sit in the bathtub. She suppressed her urge to tease Tao Tu Yun after seeing Tao Fang Ao\'s kiss marks all over Tao Tu Yun\'s body.

\'Su Wu, the bath water is comfortably warm,\' Tao Tu Yun said. \'How did you know when I\'ll wake up?\'

\'Master instructed the servants to keep the bath tub of water warm and that I should help mistress bathe when you wake up,\' Su Wu said.

\'Master?\' Tao Tu Yun asked. \'Su Wu, your mouth knows how to adapt quickly.\'

Su Wu smiled. She was happy Tao Tu Yun married a good man like Tao Fang Ao. She was lucky to have a good mistress and master.

Su Wu helped wash Tao Tu Yun\'s body. When Tao Tu Yun felt sleepy, Tao Fang Ao quietly entered the bedchamber and gestured for Su Wu to leave again.

Tao Fang Ao grabbed the dry cloth from the bed, wrapped it around his wife\'s wet soft body. He kissed her lips and his desire for her intensified.

\'Fang Ao, what are you doing?\' Tao Tu Yun asked shyly.

Tao Tu Yun was wide awake when Tao Fang Ao suddenly carried her from the bath tub to the bed.

\'Don\'t worry,\' Tao Fang Ao said. \'Soon you\'ll be familiar with performing your wifely duties with your husband.\'

Tao Fang Ao sat on the bed and Tao Tu Yun sat on his lap. He stared intensely at her face.

\'Why are you staring at me?\' Tao Tu Yun asked.

Tao Tu Yun avoided Tao Fang Ao\'s intense eyes like he wanted them to burn together.

\'Tu Yun, did you know I almost turned insane when you stopped breathing in my arms?\' Tao Fang Ao asked. \'I hated myself because I couldn\'t save you. I watched helplessly as Ox Head carried your soul away. Now getting to hold you in my arms is the most precious gift to me. Tu Yun, promise me that we won\'t take each other for granted and we\'ll love each other to our old age.\'

Tao Fang Ao hugged his wife tightly. He wished their bodies could melt together so he couldn\'t lose her again.

Tao Tu Yun wrapped her arms around Tao Fang Ao\'s neck. The sad tone in his voice showed her how much he must have grieved when he thought he lost her forever, it made her heart break.

\'Fang Ao, after I coughed blood, I entered a nightmare,\' Tao Tu Yun said. \'In the nightmare, Ox Head carried my soul away from you. I heard you call my name despairingly but Ox Head didn\'t let my soul turn around to see you. When Ox Head was about to leave the Tao Manor with my soul, the heavens sent an elderly man from the north-west direction who held a powerful sword to stop Ox Head from carrying me to see Dizang. The elderly man said out of consideration of the Tao Household\'s generations of good deeds, I can live a long life with you but the heavens took away my gift. Ox Head and the elderly man disappeared then I woke up in your arms.\'

\'North-west direction?\' Tao Fang Ao asked. \'Tu Yun, north-west is the direction of the Tao Household\'s ancestors\' altar.\'

\'Fang Ao, does that mean the elderly man is your ancestor?\' Tao Tu Yun asked.

\'Tu Yun, you don\'t need to overthink things,\' Tao Fang Ao said. \'I\'m thankful you\'re alive. The most important thing right now is that you need to comfort me. I\'m still scared of losing you.\'

Tao Fang Ao took off the cloth wrapped around Tao Tu Yun\'s body, and she understood what kind of comfort he wanted from her.

Tao Tu Yun closed her eyes and Tao Fang Ao kissed her lips. He whispered he loved her in her ear while his hands stroked her soft body.

The newlyweds\' bodies peaked together countlessly throughout their postponed wedding night.

In the morning, Tao Fang Ao and his wife burned joss sticks to thank the Tao Household\'s ancestors. He wanted to take his wife to Liu Yue province to visit her parents, but she wanted to visit the fortune teller and Dou Dou\'s home before they travel to Liu Yue province.

Later in the morning, a horse carriage stopped in front of the fortune teller\'s home and Tao Fang Ao helped his wife step out of the horse carriage.

Dou Dou opened the front door before Tao Fang Ao and Tao Tu Yun knocked on the front door.

\'Big sister, come inside,\' Dou Dou said. \'Grandma\'s right. Grandma said big sister will visit us this morning.\'

Tao Fang Ao and Tao Tu Yun followed Dou Dou inside the old home, and they saw the fortune teller sitting on an old chair like the fortune teller was expecting them.

\'Tu Yun, you\'re here,\' the fortune teller said. \'You brought second master Tao too.\'

Tao Tu Yun knelt in front of the fortune teller and she held the fortune teller\'s hands.

\'Elder, thank you for saving my life,\' Tao Tu Yun said.

\'Tu Yun, you should thank yourself and the Tao Household\'s ancestors,\' the fortune teller said. \'You\'re alive because of your kind heart and the generosity of the Tao Household\'s ancestors. It\'s your fate to marry second master Tao, because the heavens wanted you to live a long life.\'

\'Elder, if you didn\'t show us how to save Tu Yun\'s life, Tu Yun wouldn\'t be alive,\' Tao Fang Ao said. \'Thank you for saving Tu Yun\'s life.\'

\'Second master Tao, it\'s I who should thank you and the Tao Household for taking care of me for years,\' the fortune teller said.

Tao Fang Ao didn\'t expect there would be a day he would receive the biggest gift from the poor people the Tao Household helped for generations.

Tao Fang Ao and Tao Tu Yun ate with the fortune teller and Dou Dou before they began travelling to Liu Yue province by horse carriage.

\'Fang Ao, will you be upset with me if I want to do something to help other people?\' Tao Tu Yun asked.

\'It depends whether it\'ll affect your health,\' Tao Fang Ao compromised.

\'Fang Ao, promise you\'ll agree with me first and I\'ll tell you,\' Tao Tu Yun said.

\'Tu Yun, how many people do you plan on helping?\' Tao Fang Ao asked suspiciously.

\'Fang Ao, I want to invite the fortune teller and Dou Dou to live with us in the Tao Manor,\' Tao Tu Yun said. \'The fortune teller is elderly and Dou Dou is a little girl...\'

\'I understand,\' Tao Fang Ao said. \'Of course they can live with us in the Tao Manor.\'

Tao Tu Yun smiled and Tao Fang Ao sighed. He knew as long as she was happy and healthy, he would always concede to her.

Tao Fang Ao didn\'t expect he would follow in Tao Fang Ling\'s footsteps and marry a troublesome woman who loved to help people. But he admitted that he and Tao Fang Ling were blessed men to marry Tao Tu Yun and Luo Bing Liang.

Tao Fang Ao sighed again. He thought it was his and Tao Fang Ling\'s fate to fall in love with troublesome women. A troublesome future with their wives was a happier future than a smooth future without them.


The End of Real Fake Fiance

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