Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru

Chapter 109: In Search Of Comrades III

Chapter 109: In Search Of Comrades III

While walking through the city, Yukikaze and I took stock of the situation.

『The current participants of the fight against the dragon are team member Souya, Rana-sama, Ea-sama, Lys-sama, Medimu-sama, Frey-sama, Lazarissa-sama, Lutz-sama, and Gunmerry. We have eight people and one entity』

「Oh, isn\'t there one more?」

I was talking about Gashuraku-san, a goblin who was in Frey\'s party for a time.

He\'s a goblin among goblins, the chief of goblins, a vassal of the Demon King of the Forbidden Area, and someone who possesses the skills to easily win against the average adventurer.

「Contact Makina. Tell her to go see Demon King-sama and ask for Gashuraku-san\'s help」

『Understood, indeed』

Since I had teamed up with Frey, there should be no problem getting Gashuraku-san to join us.

『Mya, mya, mya』

Yukikaze was meowing like a cat.

「What\'s this?」

『The message to be conveyed was embedded within the audio data emitted just now. Sending transmissions without saying anything is boring, and the sound of compressed audio is unpleasant to humans, so Yukikaze tried to come up with something creative』

This must be one of the modifications she did to herself. What a weird modification though.

「And what did Makina say?」

『It seems that she will go right now』

「Got it」

I took a stroll around the city.

Getting lost would be troublesome, so I curbed my curiosity and didn\'t walk into places I wasn\'t familiar with.

The back alleys of Lemuria are a little bit like a dungeon. One time, I got lost for half a day and Maria had to come pick me up. That said, it wasn’t like I had so much time to kill that I would go to a bar or something to do so.

Once Makina had contacted Gashuraku-san and gotten his consent, I\'ll need to tell all the participants to gather at the Adventurers\' Guild tomorrow to do the registration.

If he refuses, I\'ll have to look for another participant.

However, I\'m out of leads. The militant group that I had the closest ties with is Gladvain-sama\'s people. It\'s such a blow that they aren\'t allowed to participate.

I realized once again that I have too few connections with my peers in the adventuring business. It\'s ten this time around, but there\'s a possibility that more will be needed in future. If that happens, I\'m finished.

The words of the Guild President and Evetta-san are really haunting me.

As I wandered around trying to figure out what to do, I found myself at the familiar store run by Tyutyu.

Rather than a store, it was more like an open space with a shack and some tables and chairs that were damaged from being exposed to the elements.

「Oh, it’s you, Souya. What\'s up-nya?」

A blonde cat beastkin spotted me and wrapped her arms around mine. She was dressed in the lingerie-like clothes that beastkin women favored with an apron over them.

「Don\'t stick so close. Can I have some weak alcohol and some snacks to go with it?」


I greeted her, placed an order, and sat down at a table.

Tyutyu went into the shack at the back and soon came back with a bottle of alcohol and some snacks.

「I don\'t see you here often, Souya-nya」

「Now that you mention it………」

When was the last time I was here? The wedding? I\'ve been too busy to drop by, I suppose.

「But it\'s better to be a busy adventurer than an idle one-nya. An adventurer who doesn\'t work is no better than a bum-nya」

Tyutyu also sat down at the same table.

The alcohol she had brought me was diluted fruit wine, and the snacks were pickled nuts. This wasn\'t a fancy restaurant, so I ate them with my hands. Because I was hungry, they tasted good, regardless of their original flavor.

I munched on the nuts and washed them down with the wine. And that was it for lunch.

「How\'s it going these days? Earnings-wise」

「My store is still the same as always-nya」

Certainly, the store looks as empty as ever.

I’ve never seen any customers here other than me and one other person.

「But that\'s okay-nya. I\'m only keeping this store open because it\'s what my mother left me-nya. With what I earn from Master\'s bar and Otou-san\'s store, I have no trouble getting by-nya」

「Has this store always been like this?」

It\'s a bit of a rude question though.

「It used to be popular-nya. But my mother wasn\'t really interested in making money, and all she cared about was filling the customers\' bellies-nya. In fact, she even had to borrow a little money to keep the store afloat-nya」

「I see. A store like that sounds nice」

Oddly enough, that way of thinking is very similar to someone else\'s.

I don\'t know who that is, but something in me feels good about it.

「That\'s a weird thing to say-nya. I wish she had at least left her recipes behind though-nya」

「Did she have any specialties on the menu?」

「She did-nya. It was a white soup with lots of ingredients in it. I\'ve heard that the king once came here in secret to eat it-nya. But I don\'t know what any of the ingredients are, so I can\'t replicate it-nya. It\'s not a dish that uses expensive ingredients though. Not by any means-nya」

………………A white soup. Hmmm.

If the availability of food in Lemuria hasn’t changed much over the years, then it just might be………but I don\'t have the time for this right now. It wouldn\'t be a bad idea to lend Tyutyu a hand when I have a bit more time on my hands though.

And then,

I received a message from Makina. I had it displayed on the LCD of my glasses.

『So sorry☆ It seems that Gashuraku-san is busy preparing for the goblins\' festival to celebrate the coming of the winter, so he won\'t be back above-ground for quite some time~. ☆(ゝω?)v』

I felt my face scrunch up from how irritating the message was.

「Is something the matter-nya?」

「Yeah, kind of. I wasn\'t able to get the help of someone I was counting on」

I had caused Tyutyu to worry for me.

Thinking that there was nothing to lose, I tried asking her, but……

「Tyutyu, do you know any strong, trustworthy adventurers with time on their hands………………Oh」

「I do-nya」

There’s one.

One such person.

I had forgotten about him.

Because I have not seen him working as an adventurer all that much.

「Where is he right now?」

「I think he\'s probably floating in the river over there again today-nya」

「I\'ll go look for him」

Leaving the money on the table, I got up from my seat.

Near Tyutyu\'s store, there was a waterway. I hurried over there and found the middle-aged ladies washing clothes in its cold water.

「Excuse me, where is that person?」

「Oh, he was floating over there just now. He was in the way, so we sent him drifting in that direction」

「Is that so?」

I followed the flow of water down the waterway. In an area with more houses, I found a hairy drowned body that had gotten snagged on a wooden piling.

A group of children had gathered and were poking him with sticks.

「Barfuru-sama. Hey~」

I also poked him with my sheathed katana.

There was no reaction.

「Do any of you have a rock or something?」

「Yeah, here you go」

One of the children nearby handed me a shattered brick. It was the size of my fist and quite heavy.


I threw it.

The brick shattered into even smaller pieces when it hit the back of his head. It was quite a sturdy head.


The beast-headed man rose up out of the water suddenly.

Kyaa~, went the children as they scattered and ran away.

「That was a good nap. Is it morning already?」

「It\'s already the afternoon」

Barfuru-sama is a massive beastkin.

In general, the men and women who are referred to as "beastkin" look like humans with animal parts attached, but this person is different. He looks like a human who had been transformed into a wolf. If you ask me, this person is what I would call a true beastkin.

According to him, he came to look like this because of a curse.

Putting aside whether that\'s true or not……

「Barfuru-sama, I have a favor to ask of you」

He climbed out of the river and shook off the water like a dog.

Quite a lot of it got onto me.

「Mmm. First, a drink」

「Yeah yeah」

We went back to Tyutyu\'s store together.

「Tyutyu, a wake-up drink for me」


In the meantime, we settled down at a table.

Tyutyu came back with a few bottles of alcohol, but she didn\'t seem to have any intention of giving them to Barfuru-sama.

「Barfuru-sama, pay up first-nya」


「Yeah yeah」

I handed Tyutyu about 20 copper coins. For now, I should let him enjoy his drink first.

Barfuru-sama drank the alcohol, spilling some of it out the sides of his beast-like mouth. I waited until he had emptied about two bottles before I began.

「How is your adventuring going lately?」

「So-so, I suppose」

「It’s going terribly-nya」

Tyutyu said as she wiped Barfuru-sama\'s beast head with a rag.

He suddenly started to look like a domesticated dog to me.

「Good grief~~~~~~~~ The tab has grown so big-nya. It\'s about 30 gold coins in total-nya. I won\'t give him as much as a single bean anymore-nya」

「Please work, Barfuru-sama」

I feel ashamed even though it\'s got nothing to do with me.

I mean, the king knows him personally, there are adventurers who think highly of him, and even Gladvain, the god of war, acknowledges his prowess.

He\'s as much of a drunk as the hero of a foreign movie is in the sequel.

「What are you implying? I don\'t work for cheap. And it just so happens that things are starting to stink up in the north. The time for me to show my true power is near. Mm-hmm」

「Barfuru-sama, if you don\'t pay your tab, you will be barred from my store-nya. I\'m at the end of my patience-nya」

「Ugh, Tyutyu, umm, that\'s a problem for me. They\'re so afraid of me at most bars that they not only refuse to serve me alcohol, they actually call the guards. This place is a haven that I can relax in. Even Gladvain said, "Abstain from alcohol at the dining table," and wouldn\'t let me drink even a single drop」

「Pay your tab then. It\'s 35 gold coins」

「Ur, urgh」

Huh, didn\'t it just go up by five gold coins?

Leaving that aside, here\'s my chance.

「Barfuru-sama, I\'ll pay you 40 gold coins if you help me with something」

According to Otou-san……

『Barfuru-sama? He\'s not an advanced adventurer, but purely as a vanguard, he\'s one of the five most powerful in Lemuria. In a certain way, he\'s a monster. He\'s not a person who’s bound by the limits of humanity』

That’s what I was told.

If I can hire someone like that for 40 gold coins, then it\'s an absolute bargain.

「What’s this thing that you want my help with?」

Barfuru-sama\'s face twisted as if he really, really didn\'t want to do it.

Despite his dog-like face, I could tell that very clearly from his expression.

「The dragon will be coming to this city soon, right?」

「Is it already that time of year? A year sure goes by fast, huh?」

「It\'s only natural that the year goes by quickly if all you do is drink and sleep every day-nya」

Tyutyu\'s scathing sarcasm was brilliantly ignored by Barfuru-sama.

「Souya, is your intention to use my strength to fight off the dragon?」

「Oh, yes」

What else are you good for?

「If it was a dragon that crawled on the ground, I\'d beat it easily. But the dragon that comes to Lemuria with the start of winter flies in the sky. How am I supposed to fight it?」

「We\'ll come up with a plan. We have several excellent magicians, so we\'ll find a way to bring it down somehow. Once it\'s on the ground, I’m counting on your strength, Barfuru-sama」

「Mmm, I refuse」

「Barfuru-sama! You\'re terrible-nya! Do some work-nya!」

Chastised by Tyutyu, Barfuru-sama explained himself.

「Tyutyu, this is different. It\'s a matter of principle for me」

「And what is this principle of yours?」

I\'ll ask just in case.

It was often the case with the warriors of the Myriad Kings, but there are many strong people in this alternate world who have odd self-imposed rules. Barfuru-sama just might be one of them.

「I don\'t like fights that involve all sorts of petty tricks. Besides, if I agree to do this, I\'ll have to listen to your orders, won\'t I? I don\'t like that」

It was hardly a good argument.

He\'s just being willful.

「50 gold coins」


「How about if I pay you 50 gold coins?」

「Don\'t you look down on me like that. It\'s not about the money」

Alright then……

「Tyutyu, how about 60 gold coins?」

……I’ll exploit his weakness.

「Barfuru-sama, accept it right away-nya. If you don\'t, I\'m cutting ties with you-nya. And I\'ll close this store too-nya」

「What?! Souya, you dirty bastard! Tyutyu, is that really alright with you?! Isn\'t this the very important store that you inherited from Toto?!」

「It\'s a store where its only regular doesn\'t pay his tab-nya. My mother would understand-nya」


Those words hit Barfuru-sama right where it hurts.

This seems to work very well on him.

Is it that all the women around me are strong, or is it simply that all the men around me are weak against women? Otou-san too, despite everything, can\'t stand up to the proprietress. King Lemuria is also like that with his daughter. The same goes for me.

Why is this, I wonder?

Oh, this is what people call birds of a feather flocking together, I suppose.

「But you know, Tyutyu, you also don\'t want to see me being ordered about by a lower-ranked adventurer, do you? Isn\'t that just uncool?」

「Is that something a man who can\'t even pay for his own drinks should be saying-nya?」


Barfuru-sama fell silent.

I couldn\'t help pitying him.

「Say, what\'s the deepest floor that you\'ve reached, Barfuru-sama?」

「The 30th floor. Speaking of which, what about you? I\'d bet it\'s only――」

「It\'s the same for me. Well, to be exact, it’s the bottom of the 30th floor」

「Souya, that\'s amazing-nya. There aren\'t many adventurers who can descend the dungeon this fast-nya」

「………………Well, I live for battle, and as such, I have no interest in something like clearing the dungeon. Also, clearing floors isn\'t all there is to an adventurer」

I\'ve heard many people say the same thing, but I\'ve never found it less convincing than when hearing it from him.

「Barfuru-sama, please lend me a hand in fighting off the dragon」

「Barfuru-sama, work a little and show Nya how cool you are-nya」


Barfuru-sama snarled in reluctance.


He growled some more.

Just how much do you not want to work, you bastard?


Tyutyu let out a deep~ sigh and put on a look of profound weariness.

「I understand-nya. I\'ve grown tired of this, Barfuru-sama. I\'m putting this store and the memories associated with my mother to rest right here and now-nya」

「H, hang on a minute, Tyutyu. Think it over again for a moment」

When Barfuru-sama tried to dissuade her, Tyutyu flung her apron at him.

「Then go and take the dragon\'s head-nya! You good-for-nothing!」

A furious Tyutyu stormed off with her tail bristling.

This was the first time I had ever seen her angry.


The beast-headed man with an apron over his head quivered.

「Souya! It\'s all your fault!」

「No, it\'s mostly your own fault」

Barfuru-sama grabbed me by the chest and lashed out at me, but I brushed it off as it was only misplaced anger.

「What are you going to do? Tyutyu might really not forgive you unless you take the dragon\'s head or something」


「Can you do it by yourself? Can you fly in the sky?」

「――――――――――――you a hand」

「Huh, what was that?」

I put my hand to my ear in the "I can\'t hear you" pose.

If we\'re going to work together, we\'ll have to put our lives in each other\'s hands. The chain of command needs to be clear.

「I’ll lend you a hand. In fighting off the dragon」

「Alright, I\'m counting on you」

「Once the fight is over………just you wait」

His eyes were filled with a rather serious intent to kill. However, because he had an apron on his head, the menacing effect was reduced by 30%.

「Ha ha ha」

I don\'t even know what kind of flag it is that I\'ve raised this time.

I\'m starting to not care anymore.

Small note, many cultures in the east, like China, Japan, and so on, celebrate the winter solstice(though they all seem to call it different names), which marks the coming of winter, and have numerous traditions involved with it. I know I know, many cultures actually view the winter solstice as the middle of winter or mid-winter, and not the start of winter. That’s why, to prevent confusion, I’ve not translated it as “winter solstice” and have kept referring to it as “the coming/start of winter”, which is what the Japanese culture believes, but I thought I should at least leave a note about it here. It’s also a tiny bit of lore, I guess. (???)?

I am stumped on the reference though. Anyone have any ideas?

Now that I think about it, Gashuraku-san’s deepest floor reached is also the 30th floor. Is this floor that hard to clear? Including Barfuru-sama, that’s 2 strong people who have gotten stuck here.

And the flag raising continues haha. But with that, he has the ten people needed! One more chapter till this arc ends though, so will he raise one final flag in the last chapter?! Stay tuned!

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