Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru

Chapter 100: The King Of The Little Ones I

Chapter 100: The King Of The Little Ones I

【117th day】

「Yeah, yeah」

I hugged the small beastkin girl sitting on my lap.


She shuddered contentedly. Her short tail also wagged vigorously.

「Next, pat my head, pat my head」

「Alright, alright」

I ran my fingers through her hair as I stroked her head. Her silver hair was straight and silky.

「Kyuu~, kyuu~?」

She seemed happy.

「Umm, I have a lot of questions」

I was meeting with Lutz-san again at the same bar as before.

She asked me, confused.

「Who\'s that child on your lap?」

「She’s Lanseal after being doused in the elixir」

At the moment, she’s about six years old and is wearing a small maid\'s outfit that Makina had sewn for her.

It seems that the effects of the elixir varies from person to person. She had turned even younger than I had.

Maria, who had come home late yesterday, had been delighted as she felt like she had gained a new younger sister.

But how the heck am I supposed to explain this to King Lemuria?

Also, Rana hadn\'t changed much. All that had happened was that her boobs had shrunk a little, which in its own way, is quite a serious matter.

「But what about you, Souya-san?」

「I was able to turn back thanks to my cat. As it turns out, she had stolen the elixir from your room」

I had gone back to normal thanks to the elixir Misuranika-sama had brought back with her. She had apparently swiped it secretly from among the junk.

She\'s a light-fingered god.

「So, Lutz-san, we now know that the other kind of elixir can reverse the effects, but were you able to find more?」

「Oh, yes. We couldn\'t find any」

Hey, come on~.

「But, you know, there\'s no need to worry. Yesterday, after we had finished cleaning, I had my first good talk with the Gunmerrys. It seems that the effects of elixirs dissipate over time, so I believe that Lanseal-san\'s transformation will wear off in time」

「How much time exactly?」

「Hey, how much time?」

「Yes, Princess-sama. None of us have a clue」

One of the Gunmerrys got on his knee and replied.

Its tone when speaking was a complete change from yesterday and very formal. The other five were standing at attention like soldiers.

For now, I breathed a sigh of relief that their numbers had gone down.

No, no, no, that\'s not the problem.

「If you have no clue, then what about the time frame for making another of the other kind of elixir?」

「It depends on our mood-gozaru」

「Make one now」

「But I refuse!」

It\'s no use. They won\'t listen to me.

「Lutz-san, I have a favor――」

「You cur! How dare you address our princess in that way!」

The Gunmerrys raised their weapons in unison.

These guys sure have become troublesome in a different way.

Lanseal clung to my neck in fear. I stroked her back and changed my tone.

「Princess Lutz, please order your vassals to create the other kind of elixir」

「No way, calling me a princess……」

Lutz-san flushed red.

Speaking of which, her attire had gotten noticeably neater.

She was still wearing the same unfashionable shirt, pants, and leather coat, but she was cleaner and tidier, which made her look more feminine. Her weapons, armor, and backpack were being carried by the Gunmerrys.

「He\'s making eyes at our princess! How dare you! You adulterer!」

『Everyone, get him!』

The Gunmerrys kicked me in the shin in unison. It hurt like hell.

「I\'m a married man, so I don\'t hit on other women」

I’ve been hit on though.

It\'s caused a lot of problems though.

「………Ehh, you’re kidding……」

Princess Lutz hung her head, looking disappointed.

Hmm, what\'s wrong?

「Souya, what about me? What about me?」

「Yes, yes, I like Lanseal too」


I got a kiss on the forehead.

In its own way, this is pretty nice.

She giggled, then reached out and hugged me happily.

Even though you\'ve become small, you\'re still very aggressive, I see. If I were a lolicon, you\'d be in danger, you know?

「………………Gunmerry. Make the elixir that reverses the effects. Right now」

「Yes, Princess-sama. Here it is-gozaru」

The Gunmerry took out an elixir from his back.

That’s fast. Why didn’t you just bring it out from the start?

「Well then, Souya-san……… Here it is!」

She slammed it down on the table.

The princess\' attitude had suddenly turned cold. She reminded me of Princess Amelia.

「Here, Lanseal. Drink it and grow up, alright?」

I pulled out the cork of the elixir.

A rich, sweet smell wafted out. It smelled like honey.


Lanseal gulped it down with gusto.

She had chugged it in one shot.


「It might be bad for you, so you shouldn’t drink any more」


It\'s good that you\'re so obedient.



The Gunmerry whispered into Princess Lutz\'s ear.

「What, hang on, you should have said that earlier」

The princess had a look of surprise on her face.

「Oh, is something the matter?」

「Umm, Souya-san, it seems that that elixir is "also" not very effective when drunk, and should be poured on the person」

It\'s as I thought then.

「The elixir isn\'t meant to be drunk either, huh?」

「Yes, it seems that throwing or pouring it on the person is the correct way of using it. Just learning this alone makes me very glad that I had requested for your help, Souya-san」

「Then, one more bottle please」


Upon the princess\' repeat request……


……the Gunmerry responded in an agonized voice.

Then fell over.

「What\'s wrong?!」

When the princess called out in a concerned voice,

「We\'ve reached the limit of our capabilities. My princess, I\'ll apologize by harakiri.[1] If you wish to show mercy, please behead me」

「I’ll do it then」

I just so happen to have my katana with me.

I loosened it from the scabbard.

「Please stop! It\'ll die!」

The princess stopped me with all her might.

I’m pretty sure that decapitation won’t be enough to kill these guys though.

「Oh, what a merciful soul. You\'re a Buddha, a Bodhisattva」

Tears sprayed out from the harakiri Gunmerry\'s helmet.

「You\'ve been talking about committing self-harm all morning, but please don\'t do that anymore, alright?」

「Fuwawaa, you’re a goddess!」

「Dictatorship, banzai![2]」

「Princess-sama, banzai!」

「We\'ll conquer the continent~!」

「We\'ll hang the rulers from the bridge~!」

「Please don\'t!」

The Gunmerrys were making a huge ruckus just like yesterday and the day before that.

The customers and waitresses in the bar seemed to have grown accustomed to it and didn\'t appear to mind.

Well, this is nothing compared to the commotion that adventurers raise at night, I suppose. They\'re probably used to it.

「Oh, I almost forgot」

I said.

I took out a small bottle and placed it on the table. Inside it were small red berries.

「It\'s a little different from what was requested, but I believe this should make the elixir drinkable」

Though it does feel pointless now that the proper way of using it has been discovered.

「By any chance, is this the miracle fruit? Wow, this brings back memories. I\'ve bought some online once in the past to use for weight loss」

「Princess Lutz, you’re………………correct me if I\'m wrong, but are you a foreigner?」

「Oh, yes」

Well, I did have a vague inkling of this.

This isn’t good.

I\'ll need to choose my words carefully with this one. Furthermore, she\'s someone from a time period that\'s quite close to mine.

For one, I had almost forgotten about it, but at the request of the company, my presence in this world is supposed to be a secret. Leaving traces of my presence is………………umm, it may already be too late on that count, but I guess it\'s still not too late to start now.

Emm, it’s the thought that counts after all.

「My last name is Amou(天羽), which is written with the characters for sky and wing. Also, my real name is Rutsuko(瑠津子), not Lutz. When I came across the Gunmerrys, they called me king(Ou), so I just went with that as my nickname.」

Yup, she\'s Japanese.

She\'s the first person from my hometown that I\'ve run into in a while.

「Ping? Pong? Pan? Princess Rutsuko. Name re-registered」


The Gunmerrys saluted

Is Rutsuko-san the reason why these guys know so many weird things?

This is terrible. How am I supposed to deal with them? It’s dangerous when they’re together.

「Souya, you\'re a foreigner too, aren\'t you? I’ve heard rumors about you from my person-in-charge at the Guild. According to the rumors, after beating up some adventurers who picked a fight with you, you tied them up into a ball and dragged them all over town. You also conned an elven princess into marrying you, used your wiles to get into the king\'s good graces, and crushed a number of merchant companies that you didn\'t like. You\'re the adventurer with the worst reputation and also the adventurer who’s the fastest at clearing floors in Lemuria.

The truth is that your identity as an adventurer is just a cover. It\'s said that you’re actually the "Faceless King", a great villain who has inhabited this city since long before Lemuria was founded. That\'s just what the rumors say though」

I don\'t know this Faceless King, but I do know one of his spies.

But well, when they\'re summed up like that, my misdeeds sure sound terrible. It\'s hard to refute them as well because there\'s a subtle layer of truth in all of them.

「For me, how do I say this………I think that you’re kind of cool!」


Why would you think that? This girl is no good. She\'s the type to fall for the wrong kind of man.

As someone from the same hometown, my head hurts.

「Also, Souya-san, by any chance, are you Japanese?」


Rutsuko-san\'s gaze was directed at my katana.


This is the most careless thing I\'ve ever done.

I\'ve got something on my hip that I can\'t explain away. What should I do? Should I say that I took it from some Japanese person or that I bought it? I can just barely chalk my appearance up to being from somewhere in Asia. But that\'s risky. I can\'t think of anything better. I had completely forgotten about this of late. She had taken me completely by surprise.

Umm, this is the worst.

Should I silence her physically or something?

『Yukikaze has a question. Princess Rutsuko, do you mind?』

「Ah, sure! Ask away, mysterious lantern-san」

Yukikaze, who was hanging from my hip, spoke to Rutsuko on her own.

『By what process did Princess Rutsuko end up in the alternate world?』

「Huh? Process, you say? Well, you see, during my club\'s morning practice, I was surrounded by fog, and when a light enveloped me from the front, I found myself in a strange forest. It was the beastkin\'s forest. I was chased by a huge pig and came across the Gunmerrys. After this and that, I ended up working as an adventurer」

『Just as a matter of personal interest, what year was it in the Japan that Princess Rutsuko lived in?』

「It was 2010」



That’s weird.

Could it be that Yukikaze spoke to her in order to ascertain this, I wonder?

I unhooked the mini-pod from my belt and placed it on the table to make sure she could get a good look at it.


Rutsuko-san had a puzzled look on her face.

『Thank you for answering my question. Sorry for not introducing myself. This unit is the Izora DC Yukikaze Modified II. Yukikaze is a fairy that assists team member Souya』

「Yukikaze, fairy………Oh, like the fighter plane or something?」


Putting aside the things she said that were besides the point,

The A.I.\'s compact mini-pods were first marketed and sold in Japan in "2001".

No matter what kind of remote place Rutsuko-san lived in, she would at least have seen them on television.

It\'s weird for her to associate a talking object of this size, one owned by another Japanese person at that, as a "magic item" or a "mysterious lantern".

In a world full of cell phones and smartphones, people will associate even a kamaboko board[3] with talking if it\'s held to someone’s ear.

The term “fairy” as well, she probably misunderstood and took it as a reference to a popular science fiction novel. Or the anime version of it.[4]

In a way, it\'s very similar, but not the same. This girl can\'t make the association to the A.I.s that the inhabitants of "my Japan" can easily make.

This means that even though she came from Japan, it\'s one in a different world.

According to Tortch,

Portals are a manifestation of space-time travel, and it\'s not surprising that they create time differences. But what if those differences also affect certain other fundamental aspects of the world?

There is a big difference between "a world with this" and "a world without this".

Rutsuko-san\'s world probably doesn\'t have this.

It\'s a world without the A.I.s I know.

I received a message from Yukikaze. Covering one eye with my left hand, I had it displayed on the LCD of my glasses.

『I see. Princess Rutsuko is probably a person from further in the future than team member Souya』

「Eh, the future?」

『When team member Souya fell into this world, he had lost most of his memories. His only possessions were a broken katana and a chonmage. After this and that, he came across Yukikaze and Makina. The katana is newly made. And that brings us to the present』

Yukikaze, are you sure that the chonmage is a possession?

「Huh? But his clothes, shoes, and glasses…… They\'re rather modern, aren\'t they?」

『That’s………just a coincidence. I see, so this way of dressing is considered modern~』

Yukikaze, your cover story, it\'s full of holes!

Your endgame, your endgame sucks!

「Oh, so you\'re a person from ancient Japan. Now that you’ve mentioned it, I can see it. Souya-san, you have the look of a person from the past. You resemble a certain actor from the Showa era」

「Is, is that so?」

So she\'s convinced by something of this level.

This girl, I hope she doesn\'t fall for a scam or something. I\'m starting to worry about her.

「However, we\'re both adventurers now. We may find ourselves working together in future, but Souya-san, let me make this one declaration.……… Fufu, I won’t lose」

I was overwhelmed by a really wide smile.

I can\'t believe how much she\'s changed from yesterday to today. In a lot of ways, women are unfathomable creatures.

「Yeah, I look forward to it」

Once more, I took the hand she offered me. She shook my hand firmly.

I wonder if she\'s a woman with a stronger core than I had thought. It may be pointless for me to worry about her.

「And just like that, boom!」

Not reading the atmosphere, the Gunmerry slammed an elixir onto the table.

The elixir had a different color. It was the other kind of elixir that was gold in color.

「There was a good vibe in the air, so I worked hard and made it」

「Alright, thank you」

I took it with thanks.

The only thing left to do is to pour it over Lanseal, but it\'s probably a bad idea to do that here, so I\'ll do it somewhere else.

「Princess Rutsuko, please sign here. Your finger impression would be fine as well」


I took out the scroll, which I had almost forgotten about, and got her to sign the space indicating that I had completed the request.

Rutsuko-san said.

「The problem with the elixirs was solved in the end by throwing them at the Gunmerrys, but amending the request is a pain, so I\'ll just leave it as is. I\'ll take the miracle fruit as proof of your assistance with the preparation」

「Of course, here you go」

「Well then」

She put away the bottle of miracle fruit with the bright smile still on her face.

Her smile faltered a little as she turned back to me with a question.

「………Will we ever meet again? You\'re not going to say goodbye for good after this, are you?」

「I mean, we\'re both adventurers. As long as we\'re in this city, we\'re bound to see each other even if we don\'t want to. Besides, it might be me who asks you for a favor next time」

「I\'ll be waiting. There\'s no need to hold back with me, alright? Alright?!」


This request is meant to help me forge connections with my fellow adventurers to begin with, so this is the right thing to do. There may come a day when I ask them for help with something.

I’m starting to see the Guild President in a new light. He wasn\'t just handing out requests at random, was he? The first one was terrible though.

「Well then, see you around」

「Yes, see you around」

We parted ways, exchanging bows like Japanese.

The Gunmerrys imitated us and also bowed their heads.

[1] Harakiri(腹切り) is written with the same characters as seppuku(切腹) and both mean essentially the same thing though harakiri is a slightly less formal of referring to it. It’s done voluntarily or used as a form of execution, and it is a form of death that restores honor. As can be expected, unless the person cuts deep enough to hit an artery when cutting open the belly, it’s a slow and painful death. In the more formal forms of this, there will be an assistant who will behead the person to ease his suffering should it be deemed appropriate.

[2] Banzai in this case is sorta the same in meaning as “Long Live (the king etc)”. Yeah, I could have just used “Long live xxx”, but the Gunmerry’s over-usage of Japanese/modern world terms and so on is a plot point, so I’m keeping a lot of stuff, like the gozaru they sometimes add at the end of their sentences……

[3] Kamaboko is a seafood product, commonly known as fish cakes. They come on a wooden board when sold in Japan. These wooden boards help maintain a certain level of water within the kamaboko by absorbing excess water when it’s too wet or letting the moisture in them go into the kamaboko when it’s too dry, thereby keeping the kamaboko from going bad for longer.

[4] 戦闘妖精?雪風 (loosely translates into “Combat/Battle Fairy, Yukikaze”) is an SF novel series written by Kanbayashi Chohei(pen name). It was adapted into a 5 episode anime by Gonzo and Bandai Visual. You guessed it, Yukikaze is the name of a fighter plane in it. Specifically, a fighter plane with an A.I. that is piloted to fight against aliens. It’s also been adapted into games for Xbox and PSP.

It’s really a small thing, but the elixir not being meant to be drunk but poured was something already hinted beforehand… If you had noticed, the Gunmerrys had been pouring alcohol on their heads when they “drank” it, which was pointed out when Lanseal scolded them. Yeah, this author’s hints are like this a lot of the time. It’s really hard to get it at that point in time, but when you know the answer and look back, some stuff really stick out.

To clarify a bit, the Gunmerrys called her Ou(king), so she just went, “Oh, that sounds like the end of my name, so I’ll just use that as an alias.” Hence, Rutsuko became Lutz-Ou.

Oh, and I’ve explained the chonmage once, so I didn’t put a note for it, but in case you forgot, it’s that old-school samurai hairstyle.

And that wraps it up for Rutsuko……for a while, at least. I’m sure you’ve guessed, but she’s gonna show up here and there like Frey, though Frey is admittedly kinda fading into the background recently. But wait! The title of this arc! Are we not done with the Gunmerrys?! Or is it something else?! Stay tuned, as we delve further into the final arc of this volume!

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