Dungeon Maker

Chapter 89

Fire appearedon Yong-Ho’s wrist, which was still enveloped in the green light. The red firetransformed into a lance. Aamon wanted to show his owner a part of his trueform.

Fire andfire.The green andred fire clashed against each other. Then it burned together and created agiant light. It disappeared with the wind.Yong-Ho tooka deep breath. It was the first breath he took after his body transformed.His sensesbecame more sensitive. Even though his eyes were closed, it felt like he couldfeel everyone’s presence really well.

Thetransformation only took 10 seconds.But it wassafe to say that the time on the battlefield stopped during that time.Theinsect-type monsters realized that Agares died. Some of them became weak andothers started moving more violently.The spiritsthat weren’t directly connected to Agares saw the enormous fire. They saw thelifeless Agares and realized that his shell was the only thing that was left.Agares wasdead. He lost and the owner of the House of Mammon - that demon king of fireconsumed his spirit.

Yong-Hoopened his eyes.Instead oflooking at the Agares’s corpse, he looked elsewhere. He looked at Salami, wholanded on the ground and looked slightly scared.“You’reexhausted.”Salami wasthe spirit that worked the hardest out of all the spirits that belonged to theHouse of Mammon.Salami calmeddown when Yong-Ho spoke and tried to smile with its eyes.Yong-Hopetted Salami’s nose and spoke.“Hang inthere.”Salami wasconfused and blinked, but Yong-Ho didn’t stop smiling.The fightwasn’t over.Even thoughAgares was dead, his troops were still standing. Even though they were on thebrink of collapsing, there was still over 100 spirits.Salami’swings were at its limit. Yong-Ho knew that too. That’s why he said thatearlier. With his new body, he gathered his mana and activated the Power ofEvolution. Green flames rose up from his eyes and he saw a box of light.[Salamander -Assault Type Development]The greenlight that appeared on the tip of Yong-Ho’s finger enveloped Salami’s body.Salamiroared. The wings grew bigger and stronger and its body transformed into a moreaggressive one.Salami’sfront feet and shoulder became bigger. The nails were sharper and a scale thatwas similar to a dragon’s protected Salami’s body. Thorns grew on Salami’s slimwaist and tail.Salami waslike an ordinary care before, but now, it looked like an armoured car.After thedevelopment finished, hot air was released from Salami’s mouth. Yong-Ho smiledand looked around. His eyes landed on Catalina and Ophelia.Catalinacovered her face with her hands as her tail and ears flapped. The gap betweenher fingers was pretty big, so he was able to see her blue eyes filled withexcitement and her red cheeks.Ophelia onthe other hand had a smirk on her face. She signaled Yong-Ho with her eyes.“Impressive.”Yong-Holooked down, wondering what the two ladies were looking at and when herealized, he laughed awkwardly and put his hands down. While his body wastransforming, the fire burned everything, so he was naked.‘I waswondering why it was chilly.’Yong-Ho usedhis mana. After activating a dark green light, he used it to cover the lowerpart of his body and then got on Salami’s back.“Shall wefinish this?”Yong-Hospoke. Catalina and Ophelia both answered in their own ways.Salami spreadits wings. After kicking off the ground and flapping its wing, a strong windcovered the ground.‘My youngowner.’He heardAamon’s voice. Yong-Ho swung his right arm as if that was his reply to Aamon’scalling. Just like his body, he wielded the lance’s new form.The spiritsthat witnessed Agares’s death were running away.Theinsect-type monsters were violently jumping around as if this was their lastattempt at bringing Yong-Ho down.“Skulllll!”He saw Skull,who was swinging its war hammer around. Yong-Ho didn’t wait any longer. Salamiwas circling around in the air and he gave his command. Salami’s fiery wingsmade the sky cloudy.The fierylance that divided the battleground.He finishedthe battle, just like he had stated earlier.***

The fightwith Agares’s was completely over three hours after the war started.Theinsect-type monsters didn’t know how to quit or surrender. They had no choicebut to kill each and every one of them.Most of thespirits that were under Agares’s control after he devoured their owners ranaway. The insects’ violent movements gave them time to run away.When lookingat just the results, the Free City won. Even though Agares had twice as manytroops, they managed to defeat them and even brought down Agares himself.However, the Free City was damaged pretty badly as well.Out of thethree leaders of the Free City, Dargon died. Despite of the fact that Trollshad strong regeneration skills, Oros fainted right before the war ended becauseof his injury.Out of theFree City’s soldiers, the elite soldiers that Ophelia commanded to go withSkull experienced the most damage. During the most important moment, theybecame Yong-Ho’s shield, so they fought the most enemies and because of that,they had the most injuries.Out of thethree leaders, Ophelia was in the best condition, so she took care of thesoldiers. The worker’s guild and the outlaws were against following Ophelia’sorders, but since Yong-Ho was standing behind her, they kept their opinions tothemselves.

They didn’teven have the strength to protest. They needed some time in order to make acomplaint.Opheliawasn’t planning on standing by and watching them protest, but she wasn’t goingto pick on someone either. In the end, the Free City will belong to the Houseof Mammon. Oros probably realized that Ophelia was the House of Mammon’s spiritbefore passing out based on the way she talked.“I’ll leavethe Free City up to you.”Yong-Ho worea suit that he obtained at the last minute and spoke while getting on thehorse. Ophelia spoke worriedly while her tail moved weakly.“Is it reallyokay for you to start moving? Skull and the others may be okay since they’re anUndead, but still...”“We don’thave a lot of time.”Yong-Ho andOphelia were standing in front of the gate. They haven’t even finished cleaningup the corpses, but Yong-Ho, Catalina, Skull and the other spirits wereoutside.

He didn’thave enough time.If Agaresdied, it meant that the Spirit of the Dungeons that were under Agares’s controldied as well.No matter howmany soldiers Agares had, they probably noticed that he died. The other ownersin the east may have realized that there has been some changes going on inAgares’s dungeon.Whileconsuming Agares’s spirit, there were a few things that Yong-Ho realized.Agares was anactual predator. The reason why he was able to gather 1,000 soldiers wasbecause he made the dungeons empty after he took over.It wasimpossible to take all the dungeons that were under his control. But he couldat least take the two dungeons that were near the Free City.Things havealready been delayed. He had to move now.“I’m fine.”Ophelialooked at Catalina worriedly, so she spoke to both Ophelia and Yong-Ho. Justlike Yong-Ho, she was exhausted since she was continuously fighting, but thatdidn’t mean she was going to fall behind. Catalina was Yong-Ho’s personalguard.Salami workedthe hardest and despite of letting out small cries, no one heard it.Yong-Ho andCatalina got on Salami’s back. Skull laughed while petting Nightmare’s mane andthe Skull Unit didn’t look tired at all as they waited for everyone to startheading out.“I’ll beback.”Yong-Ho spoke,and Ophelia gave up in the end. She showed respect by seeing him off.“Endelyon’sdaughter, Ophelia will gladly wait for your return, sir.”Salamiflapped its wings. It flew towards the east.“Skullll!”Nightmarestarted galloping. The Skull Unit followed their leader.Ophelia, whowas now alone, brushed back her gold hair. She looked at the House of Mammon’sspirits who were heading to the east.

She recalledthe face her father made when he shouted that the House of Mammon was going tobe revived.

Important Announcement

Novel hiatus (due to takeover)

Hey everyone, recently (Qidian International) and Munpia (publisher of this novel) signed a contract for to translate a number of Munpia’s novels, in which ’Dungeon Maker’ is included.

Therefore about a week ago I received an email from with an ultimatum that basically stated that I had the choice to either join them or face a DMCA which would shut down this site.

As I host the site on blogger, a DMCA would easily shut down the site, and would be very difficult for me to bring back up again.

Therefore, I’m going to sadly have to put this novel on temporary hiatus until I can either reach a deal with , or through alternative means.

I apologise to all of you who were enjoying reading this novel, but as of this moment there really isn’t anything that I can do. This is also the reason why these chapters were so late, as I was unsure of how to remedy the situation

If you want to read this novel in the future, please make a copy of all the chapters on this website (or you could instead visit an aggregator site), as I don’t know when this site will shut down.

Thank-you all for reading, and hopefully the translation of this novel will be continued in the future.

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