My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 23 Orientation Part-2

When the boy asked whether it\'s possible for a human to acquire the powers of Arcana and then reincarnate within built powers, every student turned their heads towards his direction, wondering whether he\'s crazy.

Especially those from higher grades.

While lower grade students thought it might be an interesting idea, the higher grade students didn\'t think it\'s possible since there\'s no such person that\'s ever existed in history who can display their powers before the age of 8 or without a soul card.

But, Barton\'s reply surprised them.

"Yes. It is possible."

Leonard Light, the student council president quickly asked the principal, "But Sir, our textbooks say that a soul card and a soul orb exist for a reason.

They are also the limiters so that the human body can sustain power. If there\'s no limiter, then, the cells in the human body will destabilize at atomic levels and the body will cease to exist.

Several scientists tried experimenting on removing the limiter, and all the results turned out to be the same…"

"Mr. Light, you are forgetting one important thing. Humans aren\'t alone in this world. That theory only holds true for humans. However, it is different for demi-humans, who were born from Angels or Elves."

Upon hearing him out, the lower grade students went into a daze. They felt as if a door is opened to a new world. However, the new students also felt overwhelmed with this information.

On the other hand, the upper-grade students are a little skeptical to believe this nonsense of Angels and Elves, Demi-humans or so whatever. There was no proof and it is just a myth.

But, Leonard, who was from the royal family, knew their existence. So, he didn\'t point it out.

The rest of them also kept silent as it would do no good to speak against the principal.

The old man continued after introducing the existence of other races living in the human world, "Well, actually, the theory isn\'t complicated. Forget about those myths, the monsters at the Arcana world are the perfect examples. They are souls that have reincarnated with the power of Arcana.

But, if you really just wanna consider a pure human, then, unless the person is a child of two rank-10s, it\'s impossible. Okay, any other questions?"

Even though his explanation made many students doubting their lives, it didn\'t stop some to ask their queries.

A boy in grade-7 stood up and asked, "Sir, Can a human soul reincarnate as an Arcana?"

\'That\'s absurd.\' All the students in the auditorium had the same thought, even including Azzy.

It\'s not because everyone thought it\'s impossible, but they can\'t bear to accept that forget about whether they survive or not, even if they survive, there\'s a possibility they end up as other people\'s Arcana?

They can accept if they were devoured. They can even accept if they were to reborn as a monster. But, reincarnating as Arcana and become a tool of another human? That\'s disgusting.

After all, as Arcana Masters, they too were using Arcana.

Everyone shuddered at that thought. So they hoped the principal to quickly shut that doubt away.

The principal and the boy in question felt a lot of gazes on them.

At first, he wanted to answer it honestly but the earlier question\'s response made Barton think otherwise.

He shook his head with a smile, "Maybe, it can be possible, or maybe, it can be impossible. It is something you have to figure out yourselves. Perhaps, only a rank-9 Arcana Master can give a definite answer to that.

But, it doesn\'t matter. Even if you reincarnate, you or the Arcana spirit won\'t remember your past. What matters is this life.

You set a goal, train diligently, grow stronger, outlive your peers, and search for treasures, to increase your life span further, increasing your rank.

As long as you live longer, answers can be found along the way."

Suddenly, a bell rang at all the school buildings simultaneously.

Even Azzy, a rank-4 was able to listen to the sound, much less a rank-7 like Barton.

He looked at his watch and exclaimed, "Oh! It\'s already been 9. Students, all of you may go to your class and start the first day of this academic year. Meanwhile, new students don\'t forget to be at training grounds-5."

"Are you a four-star?" All of a sudden, Gideon asked Azzy, who stood up along with the students.

Looking at this peak rank-3, Azzy nodded.

"I knew it." Gideon smiled in realization, "No wonder I can\'t sense your Arcana rank. Anyway, I can see that you will get it into the Elite division. Don\'t hold back with the instructor, by the way. The more potential you expose, the more resources and protection you will receive. Good luck."

Azzy once again nodded, wondering whether all the members of the Crescent clan are chatterboxes. Still, he felt grateful for his reminder.

One by one, the students left the auditorium to their classes and as Azzy stepped out, he saw the new students gathered by Zona, on the side.

She quickly spotted him while he was thinking of going on his own.

"Azrael… You are also going to the training grounds, right. Can you please wait here…"

Although he wanted to say no thanks, thinking that it would be too rude, Azzy simply walked a few steps to stand beside her, along with little kids.

Azzy felt gazes from all the sides, first from the kids, second, from other students who are passing by, especially upper grades that are curious about this new handsome with rank-4 strength.

Rank-4 is the position where a mortal increases his lifespan to 200 years. So, in a school like this, they are always the center of attention.

And Azzy, who was used to this kind of situation, calmly waited until everyone gathered.

He saw, other than himself, there are two more transfer students but their strength is too weak for him to consider. So, he ignored them.

After a while, under Zona\'s lead, 47 of them reached the training grounds-5.

The training grounds 5 is but a simple barren land surrounded by huge walls over 20 meters in height.

\'Maybe, it\'s just for beginners.\' Azzy thought upon the first glance as there are hardly dents in the grounds or the walls. There are little traces of battle, which says either they repair it recently or the usual spars aren\'t that great.

It isn\'t that impressive since even the ground isn\'t that even. However, everyone\'s eyes are on one person.

He\'s a tall, muscular, bald man meditating in the air, three feet above the ground. One look at his head, they would feel that it was shining from the rays of the sun.

"Wow," Some of the students exclaimed in surprise as they were able to get to see a person floating in the air without the use of any flying card.

"Teacher Hermon, the new students are here," Zona spoke to him in a respectful tone.

He opens his eyes and they land on Azzy, first.

A smile appeared on his lips as he mumbled, \'A high rank-4 student, eh? Looks like he\'s around 12-13… Now, that\'s interesting.\'

"You, over there. What\'s your name and grade?" Without any introduction, he directly pointed towards Azzy.

Azzy pointed to himself, whether he was talking about him…

"Yes, you... the one in blue checks."

Everyone was taken aback by this teacher\'s behavior, meanwhile, Zona bitterly smiled.

Azzy replied in a neutral tone, "Azrael, 12-years-old and enrolled into grade-8."

His behavior and the emotionless made the instructor frown in response. The new students are also surprised as Azzy didn\'t even greet him first before answering. Where are his manners…

It\'s not that Azzy doesn\'t want to greet him. It\'s just that other than the clan head, clan leaders, his Master, and grandpa, he never greeted anyone first.

On the contrary, Azzy was the one who was always greeted first, no matter how old or powerful the other party is...

"Okay, let\'s start the assessment with you, first. Come forward."

Azzy walked forward and stood before him, a few meters apart.

"Everyone, back off a bit," Zona warned everyone before moving back so that they won\'t be caught in the spar.

Looking at him, the instructor said, "Summon your Arcana."

Azzy nodded and summoned the soul card. With a thought, he summoned the wolf without summoning the death scythe and the hourglass to hide his identity.

*Grr* The black wolf with black sparkles all over its body growled at its enemy, baring its fangs.

Upon one glance both the instructor and Zona took a step back with a gasp, \'this Arcana\'s intensity is off the charts…\'

While the latter thought it was a high-level gold grade, the six-star instructor realized that it gives off the same intensity of a certain Arcana he experienced back in the World League. \'No doubt about it. It is the platinum grade...\'

While Zona was still in a daze, the instructor calmed down quickly, concluding this boy has the right to be arrogant. His earlier impression of the boy disappeared and excitement grew in his heart to see the soul skills of this Arcana, directly.

He then summoned his soul card followed by the appearance of a giant earth golem that appeared before him.

"He will be your opponent. I will also control his strength to rank-4. Just attack however you wish."

Azzy stared at the Golem for a while before glancing at the wolf. He suddenly crouched down to its size and asked, "Vajra, do you have any soul skills?"

"Eh?" Zona and the instructor were taken aback once again and mumbled at the same time, "He\'s a beginner?"

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