My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 138 - Don't Ask Me ...

Axel kissed the back of his hand and said : "What happened to you back then will never happen again, I promise."

Kevin smiled at him and just said : "I know."

Liam, after taking in all the information Kevin had just provided, finally told them : "If we could go back to our main conversation ... I have the same information as Alan, I know nothing more about the Absolute Warrior and the legend about it, and I really didn\'t know that a mage could become one.

But I know something else about the legend of our world ... I know that what happened to us humans also happened to Pure Demons."

Everyone looked at him surprised except Kevin who frowned looking lost in thought, so he kept telling them what he knew : "The Pure Demons really live like us, they also have dungeons which allow them to become stronger, their mages are most often summoners, they also have a King and their race was almost exterminated three times because of the assaults they launched on our territory ..."

Kevin then interrupted him and asked him : "Do you know who ordered them to attack the humans, was it their King or someone more powerful than their King ?"

Liam wasn\'t expecting this kind of question so he asked him curiously : "Who could be more powerful than their King ?"

Kevin smirked and said : "Whoever gave that little black magic pill to that Elite Warrior Vampire for example."

Kevin knew that he had just dropped a bomb, but what he had just said was a possibility they couldn\'t overlook.

He then asked Liam : "Now that we all know a little more about this world and the symbol that has appeared on my forehead, tell us what your mission is ?"

Liam nodded and said to them : "Xander who was Kevin\'s father and the former bearer of the Pentagram Mark, after a lot of fierce fights at the border between the territory of humans and demons, had finally managed to get in touch with one of their generals.

This general was ready to find common ground with Xander to end the war, they had even talked about opening the border and trading together.

The only problem was, for this to be possible, this general had to kill their King and seize the power.

But, when Xander was killed, this general has also been denounced and executed.

The alliance that could have been possible between humans and demons has been reduced to nothing ... At least that was true until another general from the demons side get in touch with the Queen directly on the battlefield.

The months that I have been away, I have spent them at the border fortifying our bond with Solomon, the general who yearns for peace as much as Xander wanted.

I lived a few months with him and his men in the demons territory, and believe me, many demons are ready to follow him, many don\'t understand why we always have to fight against each other while we could all live in peace.

This is an opportunity that may not come again anytime soon, but now it\'s not just the demons who have to kill their King and seize the power in place, we too have to get rid of our King to make this possible."

Kevin then asked him : "What exactly is your mission this time ?"

Liam sighed helplessly and told them : "Solomon is missing, without him we are going back to the starting point ... His men have asked us to help them to find him and the Queen wants me to go there myself."

Axel spoke for the first time since what Kevin had revealed about him and his past and he asked Liam : "Is it because you are our best tracker ?"

Liam nodded and said to him : "It hasn\'t even been 48 hours since he disappeared, if I had the possibility to go immediately I will still have a chance to find him quickly, the only problem is that it will take me at least a week to get there."

Kevin then said to him : "It\'s not a problem ... Tell me, if you had the possibility to go there immediately, are you sure you would be able to find him ? And even if you find him, would you be able to help him ?"

Liam nodded again and said : "I just need to find him, his men will take care of the rest."

Kevin looked at Axel and asked him : "What do you think honey ?"

Axel took the time to think before answering : "If this demon is really powerful enough and has enough influence to be able to kill their King, seize the power and end the war to find a common ground with us, it\'s worth to take the risk to go and save him, and if need to give them a hand."

Kevin smiled, he knew that Axel understood that he wanted to give to Liam their Teleportation Talisman papers, and he had just suggested that they could also go with him.

He then looked at Alan and Erik and asked them : "I would like your opinion too, both of you."

Alan and Erik had also understood that Kevin intended to give his Teleportation Talisman papers to Liam and after exchanging a look, Alan said to him : "If Liam has only to find him then I agree to this mission, for the rest I\'m still dubious, if he really had the power to kill the King and seize the power in place, why would his men or demons ask us for help ?"

Erik nodded and said : "I agree with Axel and Alan, this demon is worth giving them a hand but not risking our lives for him, if he really has the power to make a difference then he is going to have to prove it.

And we can\'t forget the fact that there are traitors among the people of the organization, otherwise why would our former King and this demon general have been killed at the same time."

Kevin nodded satisfied band said : "Indeed, there are probably traitors on both side, there is no doubt about it ... And you Ian what do you think about this mission ?"

Liam turned to Ian who had turned pale when he had heard that everyone was ready to send him back in the demons territory, so he said to Kevin : "Don\'t ask me … I don\'t care about this war, all I can see is that my man is going to be sent back to our enemy\'s territory."

Kevin honestly told him : "I understand, and I\'m sorry Ian, but I think this mission needs to be done … Only, I\'m not going to let Liam go like this."

Kevin looked at everyone and took several things out of his inventory.

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