The Editor Is the Novel’s Extra

Chapter 148

Then, as usual, the final battle was between Isiel and Arthur. In the end, no matter how the seeding was set up, the two always remained as the only ones left standing.

‘And our prince will win. He’s not just a genius; he’s a hard worker.’

As usual, after the exams were over, they rushed to a pub. The pub, Queen Carmela, two tram stops away from the school, had become a quick favorite for Arthur and his friends. The old owner was resourceful, even bringing in a barrel of Tristein San Strong Ale, which the two twins favored. Strong Ale, brought in oak barrels by train, had become quite special to them.

When everyone emptied a pint of beer as they sat in the corner, Kleio took Mietsu’s letter out. The address was written in strict, modest handwriting on the envelope. Mietsu was still staying as a guest of the Tristein estate, and the letter had been sent to the second lab of Zebedee, which was the official name of the building Kleio occupied. He casually ran his fingertips over the outside of the envelope.

‘It makes me feel weird when I think that Arthur inherited even his old-fashioned writing style from Mietsu. He’s more like a father than a mentor.’

Kleio quietly notified Isiel, as receiving a letter to the lab was the way chosen to avoid leaks. It looked like he was inquiring about hard magic theory or magical information, but the envelope’s contents were more of a letter greeting Isiel and Arthur. Isiel, who opened it, delivered the contents to those gathered. Cel began to laugh as she listened to the news of the northern territory.

“Your master acted as he would leave soon, but then he sat down.”

“No way… As many of the Tristein knights moved to the capital, it seemed that they are a bit lacking in manpower.”

Thirty of the Tristein knights, led by Tasserton, had set up in a garrison on the west bank, not far from the palace. Hebron Castle, built by King Absalom II then closed by Queen Carmela, had been renovated and re-opened as the new headquarters of the Tristein knights. It was an old-fashioned castle with a dense forest around it. Considering the current land price in Lundane, it was real estate that no one but the royal family could afford. People interpreted it as a political gesture of how highly Melchior viewed the Tristein knights.

‘When I look at the New Year’s celebrations, it seems they’re quietly practicing as knights, but that’s not all there is.’

The official name given to those knights was the Prince Guard, and they caused quite a stir. Pierce Klagen, head of the Capital Defense Force’s knights, officially submitted an article to incorporate them under his command to the Royal Advisory Committee. Of course, that was dismissed. It was then rumored that Tasserton, also a member of the committee, embarrassed Pierce. Pierce’s status as the leader of the king’s largest armed group was beginning to crack. There were whispers that even the nobles secretly pursued his fall.

“Even if the master speaks badly, he would never be able to leave them be. He prepares for retirement by going to a place colder than Kision.”

“Arthur. Master is turning fifty, so it’s natural for him to consider those things.”

As Isiel grew confused, Cel intervened.

“Yes, Arthur. At that age, his hair hasn’t even begun to thin out. Isiel, please keep talking!”

“This summer, the reinforcement of the north wall was finally finished. Lord Rotan was rather hesitant, but it was possible because Lord Lysa pushed on boldly.”

“Ah, that lion-headed knight does well in civil engineering.”

“Sir Lyssa, a lion’s head! Arthur, isn’t he a great knight compared to you?”

Isiel read the next part while Cel fought against Arthur. She seemed rather used to their bickering.

“Also, Sir Trude, who was sent to the capital, returned to the Duchy after his vacation… He said he had to shovel a lot. Rather than having fun in the capital, he is said to have been dissatisfied with all the awful training.”

Mietsu had only been with the Duchy for about two years, but he seemed to be respected as a seasoned member.

‘It doesn’t make sense that an 8th level swordmaster with a personality like that didn’t stand out in the last manuscript. Mietsu is probably one of the people who has changed drastically in this manuscript.’

Wasn’t that the same for Arthur? In the manuscript Kleio had read, the protagonist spoke only in an old-fashioned way as an epic character. His personality traits hadn’t changed, so what had changed was the experiences that made him in this life, like Mietsu’s tutelage. Day by day, that teacher hadn’t only taught Arthur how to hold a sword but also how to catch birds and fish.

It was a friendly letter that contained a lot of valuable information. For example, the letter outlined how Melchior was running his guard. After coming to the capital, those knights seemed to be striving to build their skills in Hebron castle. Excluding the crown prince, Tasserton was an impeccable knight and lord. Loyal, benevolent, and fair, he lived modestly without pursuing personal luxuries. He devoted himself to training harder than any of his knights. Kleio had to remain alert.

‘Though it may be sheathed, it’s still a sword.’

After only two pints of beer, Arthur and the children hurried to return to school before curfew. The train was still suspended due to the strike. When Kleio fell behind, Lippi lifted him and began to sprint. A few blocks later, Leticia took over and crossed six streets with him. There was no time to protest and, by the time they arrived at school, Kleio’s face had turned blue. His nerves finally calmed down once he got to his room and washed up. Settling down, he drank some wine with Behemoth before bed.

In his head, the subjects of the knights, the wall, Lysa, and Mietsu rattled around his head.

‘Rotan and Lysa should follow the choices made by their lords, but one day he can add a little hesitation at a crucial moment.’

He wondered if this was an investment made with that in mind. Kleio buried his face in a bundle of wool, falling asleep soon after. The exam was over, his stomach was full, and he had drunk moderately, so sleep didn’t wait long to take him. It was a calm evening, as usual.

Early dawn awoke him amid a foresight of violence. In the hazy and gloomy ether, Kleio opened his eyes, clearly noticing what had changed. It was a [Soundproof] formula someone had activated. He turned on Perception reflexively as shadows fluttered through the gap under the bedroom door. Trained soldiers, at least six or more, moving with the subtle noise of firearms and cold steel that shook as they walked. The smell of leather, blood, and gunpowder wafted to him. Before long, the sound of their steps stopped in front of his door.


The bedroom door tore apart, revealing people in dark blue uniforms with no insignia attached, standing outside it with levers and axes. Though several people were moving through a small space, they weren’t getting in each other’s way at all. They each had revolvers at their waists.


The cordial glass on the table fell and broke, spilling a lukewarm mixture of orange liquor and melted ice on the floor. The wall clock indicated it was three in the morning. Behemoth, who had escaped from Kleio’s arms, raised his fur.

“Meooooow! (What are you doing at this hour of the morning?!)”

Kleio, sitting up, hugged Behemoth to his chest. To Kleio, Behemoth was a friend like no other, but he was merely a house beast to others. It was unlikely the soldiers invading in the middle of the night would treat such a creature as a hindrance to their mission. Several possibilities went through his mind. The magic formula in this room was to block sound, and it wasn’t difficult to smash a circle of a wizard whose level was lower than his. It would also be possible to open a new circle to slow them down. However, he judged that he shouldn’t act prematurely.

A short, middle-aged woman in a similar uniform appeared inside the torn door, walking in low-heeled shoes. Her attitude was of friendly bureaucracy as she presented an emergency subpoena.

“Please cooperate. 5th level wizard, Sir Kleio Asel, is to respond to the summons of Albion’s Home Affairs Bureau.”

“What is going on in the middle of the night?”

“The details are here.”

She slowly handed over the paper. The courtesy felt like an insult for the student who was sat on the bed, hugging a cat in his pajamas. After a long moment, Promise provided a message as Memory rewound.

[Level 3 Wizard]

She had a schoolteacher-like appearance, with a soft voice, a strangle disparaging gaze, and a hairstyle that had been out of fashion for a generation. Kleio was able to guess who she was.

‘…However, I don’t think she’s a person who would try to appease Melchior.’

She was another character who turned out very different from what he had read – Vesna Driscoll.

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