Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 477 - 477. Trio Starts School

Chapter 477 – 477. Trio Starts School

For the world, it was a day like any other. Nothing much had changed, and the announcement had been made that the situation in Ukraine was under control. But in secrecy, the entire world order had changed and those who knew were only Magnus and his order.

He had to call another meeting of the order to decide what to do next and how the Soviet Union will be slowly disintegrated with each nation becoming a democracy under Magnus\' control.

"So, how do you plan to keep harmony among them?" Ted asked him.

Magnus had a plan for this, one that would ultimately serve to unite the planet. "It\'s simple. After the breaking of the union, all nations along with Russia will join the European Union, all except those that are in Central Asia.

"A new Asian Union will also be made which will have nations from Central Asia, Southern Asia, South East Asia and Eastern Asia. With this, all countries in the world will be in some form of a block, the United Kingdom will be in each one of them because we are present everywhere.

"When the American Union is created, we will be there because of Belize. In Africa, we have Zimbabwe, in Asia we have Brunei and in Oceania, we have many more island territories. One day, we will be able to unite all these unions into one Earth Union."

He didn\'t know if this was the best way to go but it was certainly better than most others. However, there was one thing remaining.

"But we still don\'t have full control over the European Union," Bobby said.

"We will have it soon. Everything is going smoothly. We don\'t need to rush now, all we need is to consolidate our control and focus on economic improvement. If the world is rich, the world will be at peace."

Magnus gave each one of them some small duties and targets that they should work towards. Taking down USSR was a big thing and Magnus felt much at ease now, enough to be at home and spend some time with his daughter.


"Awww… I missed you so much, Athena, come here to dad." Magnus ran to hug his daughter. Her birthday was coming soon, she will officially be one year old. She had started to crawl around and tried to stand up, while also saying gibberish words.

She loved Magnus the most and hated being away, hence whenever he was around, her throne was his lap. Magnus always made Emma feel jealous about it, but she didn\'t mind.

"BIG BROTHER! We\'re going to school tomorrow." His three siblings ran up to him. Their 1st year at Hogwarts was going to start the next day. For them, going through the train was the only option.

Although Magnus had access to Portkey, he didn\'t want them to miss out on the whole experience. After all, the Hogwarts train was just for the theatrics, giving children a perception of how magical their world is, while in reality, it was more deadly.

Still, Magnus tried his best to create Hogwarts as safe as possible. He has added a few codes of conduct and safety measures for various classes. He felt it was a bit dumb of Dumbledore to warn students about the Forbidden Forest but not about the dangers of potion lab.

"Are you three excited?" He asked them.




Only Clementia was not very interested in it. He could understand that meeting new people was anxiety-inducing for her. But quickly Maximus and Aurelia wrapped their arms around her shoulder, "Don\'t worry, our little cute sister. We will always be beside you and if anybody bullies you, we will bully them ten times more."

Magnus nodded, "Good, that\'s the best reply to bullies. You bully them ten times more until they learn their lesson."


Emma knocked his head lightly, "What did you say? Are you teaching them bad things again?"

"No, I am teaching that the world is not sunflowers and rainbows, they need to face all bullies strongly, shut them upon before they do something too stupid. At least that\'s what I did. Don\'t you remember Lucius?" He defended himself.

"But you are forgetting something, there are no death eaters anymore. There is no Lucius in the school. If anything, these three are going to be adored by the Slytherin house because of the legacy you left behind. The parties are still held in their common room every month." Emma said, hugging Clementia.

Magnus scoffed, "Huh, like I\'d allow them to bully my muchkins. Not to mention, Severus has become the Headmaster of the school already. He won\'t allow anything to happen to them."

Hearing him, Maximus, Aurelia and Clementia\'s eyes shined. Maximus jumped, "Big brother Sev is the headmaster? AWESOME!"

"By the way, I heard that Sev and Narcissa are finally couples now? I wonder when they will get married." Emma wondered.

It was true, not a lot of people knew that Narcissa and Severus were dating. The happiest person in all this was Eileen Prince, she got a grandchild out of nowhere. Magnus also found a point to tease Severus as he became a father.

"Hehe, from this I remember, I need to pay him a visit. He\'s getting more and more late these days for meetings. It seems he\'s enjoying dating now." Magnus muttered. His meaning is clearly not meant for kids to understand.

"AH! I forgot, Chad needs a trim, I won\'t be able to take him with me otherwise," Aurelia muttered and ran away to look around for him. Chad\'s ears were sharp and he had heard her, it was time to vanish for him.

September 1 arrived,

Magnus drove a big GMC luxury van to the King\'s Cross railway station. It had enough space to allow all of them to sit inside. The three gremlins were pretty excited about going, even Clementia. This was a new point in their life that was starting.

He soon parked the car outside the station, put some charms on his family to avoid being recognised. They rolled luggage trollies onto a platform infamous for being non-existent but a running joke among stationmasters.

"Okay, see that wall, just run straight into it. Don\'t wait." Magnus instructed his siblings.

It was not their first time coming here. Maximus and Aurelia ran straight into it with much excitement, Clementia just slowly walked in. Following her, Magnus, Emma, Adam, Grace and Ragnar entered. Of course, little Athena was in Emma\'s arms, looking around with her grey eyes.

"WOAH!" Maximus was gaping at the sight of the steam engine.

But as soon as Magnus arrived and walked towards the compartment, everyone started splitting and giving way, while bowing their heads and giving nods of respect.

He didn\'t know many people there, most were new parents. It was still a bit farther in the future for students of his generation to have kids old enough to send to the school.

Magnus helped his siblings enter an empty cabin and put their luggage. It was very nostalgic to him. He remembered the first day, he bumped into Lucius and had a verbal argument, then found the cabin with Sirius, James, Lily and Severus. He shared his pancakes with his friends.

"You three, make a lot of friends, these will be the most memorable years of your life. If you ever feel the need, you know how to contact me. Take care," He kissed their foreheads and left the cabin. He stood outside on the platform with his family to wait for the train to leave.


The train blew the whistle and the engine started to produce that thumping noise. The train slowly moved, hundreds of new life journeys started.

Magnus and the family waved their hands. They could see the three doing the same from inside. "They grew up so fast," he muttered.

"Da-Da…" Athena tried to jump to his arms.

He took her from Emma and hugged her tight, "Oh, my cute little beautiful daughter. Please don\'t grow up so fast, I can\'t see you leave me and live in the school, filled with boys who will lust after you or eye your money."

Grace chuckled, "Now you know what parents feel like. My heart was so broken when you left for school, I still remember that day,"

"So much has changed. It\'s like… the difference between our lives before I went to school and now is night and day. I am the king, I have a daughter, I am the strongest wizard. *sigh* Let\'s go, I have booked a table at a nice 5-star restaurant for us." He led his family out.

Ragnar nodded and followed behind everyone else a bit later, ~True, life has changed so much. Where I had lost everything, now I have such a big loving family,~

He quickly ran beside his mother and held her arm, "Well, whichever restaurant it is, it can never be better than the chicken mum makes,"

[A/N: This fic will end this week on *******. 28-30 chaps of Marvel fic will be uploaded here on the same day. The sequel to this fic with Ragnar as MC will be called GOT: The Flawed Dragon. However, this will be a low priority and will get updated on ******* rarely. My main priority is the marvel fic and the original novel I am working on.]

[Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 Advanced chapters and 90 chaps of Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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