Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 429 - 429. Magic In Space

Chapter 429 – 429. Magic In Space

Some News Channel in the United States – "This is utter carelessness and madness. They are just 18-19-year-old boys, to let them go to space just because they have the money is madness. An astronaut needs years of training before they are even eligible, and these are kids. KIDS."

Some channels in France – the British have gone crazy to mess with technology that is so complex and dangerous. Taking a joyride into space is nothing but foolery.

Germany – This visit to the moon is a stunt, they say it\'s for research but what are three kids going to research?

As Magnus had expected, some news channels although didn\'t criticise him as they were paid, criticised the mission. Some pressure was being exerted by the US government to talk about it, the rest was the real wholehearted feeling of absurdity about the situation. Sadly, if they had known that among the 3, two were wizards, while all being superhuman, they would have shut up.

Not just shut up, Magnus will humiliate them later.


In a matter of seconds, Magnus, Ragnar and Bobby found their arms feeling weightless. Their bodies too felt as if they didn\'t exert any weight on the seats, only the straps had them held to the position.

"Woah, I\'m liking this," Ragnar was in awe of the experience. For a guy who was not so involved in muggle science, the space was really fascinating.

"You know, I will make a few recommendations to Hogwarts later, we are going to need lots of space wizards in the future, it\'s better to start teaching them," Magnus noted down.

Bobby scoffed, "Here you go, creating another new job for wizards. You are more of a king to wizards at this point than muggles."

"I\'m hungry," Ragnar muttered.

Yes, after the launch, you do feel hungry. Magnus started taking off his helmet, "Let\'s eat then, we\'re going to be stuck here for three days after all."

"Try using Magic," Bobby suggested.

But Magnus denied, "Not yet, first of all, we are still in earth\'s atmosphere, meaning we have replicated the condition on Earth inside this unit. The true test can only be done either in a vacuum or on the moon\'s surface. The second reason is that we are in the middle of space, what if using Magic did something unexpected?"

"Then what do we do until then?" Ragnar inquired.

Honestly, they had nothing to do, maybe keep a watch on the various instruments, but that was boring too. Magnus sighed and took out his thin expansion pouch, "Hehe, I got a music player with me,"

He put on a cassette and the song started reverberating in the capsule. It was the Earth, Wind & Fire – September. Soon enough, the three were vibing while checking the instruments and some scales.

The three sang together, "Hey hey hey, Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember? Ba-dee-ya…"


"Umm… are they singing? How did they get music?" the staff in the flight control centre heard the three sing while giving instructions.

The Director of the mission laughed, he was the father of a Hogwarts student, "Haha, ignore it,"

"B-but sir, the world will be hearing them later," his secretary said.

The man laughed even more, "That makes it even better, isn\'t this His Majesty\'s style?"

Indeed, this was what Magnus was like. Soon enough, snippets of video recordings were sent to a few TV channels, and there the world saw them. In America, the band, Earth, Wind & Fire appeared on television as this was the ultimate free publicity, they happily said that they were honoured and sang live on a few stations.

The young population of the world fell even more in love with the three young astronauts with that.

2 days and 20 hours later,

Time had passed, they ate, shat and slept in the small living space. It was not a pleasant experience but what could they do? Eventually, they got bored with the music too and had to start playing magnetic chess. Of course, no one knew they had all this with them.

*Zzzz* "Pendragon Z, it\'s about time you start preparing for the landing." the voice came from the ground stations.

They quickly drank a few energy drinks to bring themselves to peak concentration and got to work. The three tapped on a few buttons, checked some lists, and noted down some numbers. The landing was always the toughest part.

"Woah, look at this, man. This is beauty," Bobby looked out of the small window, the moon was in their view, shining bright under the sunlight. It looked completely white, but when they looked at the horizon, the dark side of the moon felt ominous.


"Fuck, what\'s that?" Magnus cursed and looked at the alarm light.

"I-t\'s the landing leg, one of the three is not completely out. The vertical landing won\'t do if it\'s correctly extended." He read the indicators. The aircraft they were in was like a mini rocket at this point. Unlike the previous landing where a landing vehicle was used, here, there were two things on the unit. One was the storage unit with was a cylinder, then at the top was the capsule they were in. The capsule will later be used to return to Earth, the storage unit will be dismantled and turned into a full-fledged living unit base.

Due to so much weight, the landing pad was designed to be much bigger than necessary, this would make sure that they don\'t fall to the side. But now, it seemed inevitable.

Back at the Ground station, they also got the alarm. They asked the crew what happened. Magnus quickly replied, "Nothing, we got it covered, we will proceed. Just a false alarm,"

Bobby and Ragnar looked at him, and when he picked up his helmet, they understood, "You serious? You wanna go out while we are descending?"

"If we try to stop descending and return to the orbit to fix the problem then we won\'t have enough fuel left for landing and then returning home. The big ass boy is too heavy even for the extra fuel we brought. Don\'t worry, I will use magic to create the strongest charms around myself, while also testing magic in a vacuum," Magnus had not a single ounce of doubt or fear in his voice.

He could not really afford to be afraid, this project had cost too much money to be aborted at this stage. Ragnar nodded, "Fine, let\'s prepare,"

They didn\'t have much time. So the three got into their complete suits, including a backpack full of pressurised oxygen. Then they started to depressurise the capsule.

"Done, hooked the Extravehicular Mobility Unit to the hatch," Bobby gave the okay.

Magnus then opened the hatch and looked out, the deep dark space was pretty but damn scary. However, just then all of a sudden he felt a sharp pain throughout his body, "Argh… what the hell. My body ached for a second,"

Bobby quickly looked at his body signature, "Everything is okay, Magnus. Heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels, ECG… do you want me to go?"

"Nah, I can do it, it lasted a second only," he moved out with the Extravehicular Mobility Unit. He manoeuvred himself towards the base of the entire unit. He could see the two legs extended and one stuck halfway. He simply kicked it slightly. However, it didn\'t work.

Seeing no other way, he slid out his transfigured staff that was like a wand inside his suit in a way the tip pointed out through his wrist. In the wand shape, it exerted less magic, but since Magic was like invisible light, it didn\'t matter if he was wearing a suit. He pointed his hand at the landing leg, "Reparo,"

As expected, it moved and extended out completely. The thing was most likely damaged in the middle of the launch. However, something shocking happened, he visibly saw not just the leg but the entire rocket unit getting repaired, all the insulating paint that was chipped during the strong take-off was fixed. But the thing was, reparo can\'t work unless all things are close by, so how did the paint that was burned away return?

Confused and shocked, he headed back towards the top capsule. Just before he entered, he tried something, he pointed his wand towards the dark side of the moon and used the wand, "LUMOS MOMENTO!"


Immediately a flare flew out of the wand, the scene only left him more shocked, "GOD DAMN! HOLY HELL! THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!"

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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