Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 324 - 324. Big Mistake In New York

"Lord Mountbatten? Are you sure?" Ted asked.

Magnus nodded, "Yes, his motivations are his life, he wants to live longer, he also still dreams of someday seeing Britain be truly great again. He has a lot of pull over the many lords and ladies in the country. He can serve us well. Of course, that is if you give him a clean chit that he is not corrupt."

"Oh no, no, he\'s clear. His wealth is enough to last a long time, even after his death, his generations will live happily. Well, if you think he is a member worth keeping then let\'s agree." Ted voted yes.

Soon, Adrian, Tom, Ragnar and Bobby also voted yes. This made Lord Mountbatten a part of the Order of Merlin.

"My next candidate is a Goblin, Goldruk, he\'s is extremely loyal to me, and he\'s also the current boss of Gringotts. He\'s the one who took over the bank." Magnus revealed.

"YES!" Adrian and Ted immediately agreed. Having this guy in the order would help them tremendously. Tom had no idea who this even was but he agreed since he knew Gringotts was supposed to be a big bank.

"Well, this was it from me. What about you all?" Magnus folded his files and let others suggest names.

"I got none." Ragnar raised his hand. "Me neither," Severus added. Well, it was expected since both of them were with Magnus most of the time.

But Bobby had a few people. He was very much dedicated to the Order of Merlin, and since he was a member of the Round Table, he felt his responsibility was even more. He put three files, "Look at these three files. I have been watching these three people for a while now. One is from my Oxford University, Yusuf Ahmad, he\'s a top tier economist, with a great ability to predict the market mood by looking at the policies of the governments, conflicts, crimes, social issues going on in any country.

"The problem is, he\'s from Pakistan, so I don\'t know if his ultimate loyalty lies with his country for the betterment of the world. He did show a high level of reasoning and common sense, however. And with how Magnus is soon going to try to solve the India-Pakistan disputes, I think his loyalty can be ensured."

Magnus thought about it, "Man, I will just try to do it. I still have to think about what I can do. They just fought a war in 1971 for god\'s sake. So, it\'s going to be a mess. But, I agree with you, Yusuf can become an observer member first. He shall not know about the order and our identities, you can just give him the task that he is supposed to predict the future 10 years of the economy for the UK, US and the whole EU. Give him access to the resources of the Order."

Bobby happily wrote things down and introduced his next suggestion, "Second is Emilia Huaman, a Native American girl, top of her class in school, got a scholarship in MIT, studied Aeronautical Engineering, currently doing her masters. The best part, she\'s only 18. She\'s a very well mannered girl, smart and witty in mind, extrovert and intelligent. I offered her a job in my new Space Division of FutureTek and she has accepted."

But Magnus and Ragnar were looking at each other\'s faces and smirking. Ragnar then spoke, "My friend, you got hots for her?"

Bobby\'s face became embarrassed, "That had nothing to do with me choosing her. She is a very honest girl, and due to her heritage of being a Native American, her loyalty is not too deep to her nation. Oh, she also loves nature."

Magnus chuckled, "Fine, she can be a member, but only an Observer for starters. After a while, Adrian will conduct a secret investigation to determine their loyalty. Don\'t take me wrong, I just allowed my entries to become complete members because one, I hold Mountbatten\'s life, and he\'s one of my subjects, he knows I can dispose of him anytime. And the goblin, well he\'s so loyal that he\'d die for me."

They could understand. Bobby gave the last introduction excitedly, "And the last one is... hah, I bet you never thought about this. It\'s a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General, Frank Willis. He was responsible for the war in Vietnam for just 6 months. He was discharged after that. The reason was that his wife and daughter were taken hostage. He wanted to send all American forces to find them, but the higher command didn\'t give the permission. He still decided to go through, but was stopped, stripped of his rank. Still, they gave him voluntary retirement instead of court marshal."

"Was his daughter and wife found?" Adrian inquired.

Bobby denied, "No, it\'s been a year now, there has been no news about them. The war is near its end so I don\'t think they are alive. But, I think even if we\'re able to get their bodies, the man will be in peace. He hates his own country, as he said many times while he was the in-charge of my security in the United States. I know many of our future plans will force us to fight sometimes. He can probably help us in preparing some things or even provide a military point of view. All we need to do is get him his peace of mind."

Magnus quickly faced Adrian and nodded at him. Adrian understood the meaning, "Got it, I will send some wizards to Vietnam."

Slowly, their meeting moved forward. Adrian suggested just one guy, a Wizard, and his second in command. His name was Tim Brook. Ted had 2, one of them was a man they knew. It was a Prosecutor, Liam Smith. The same person who prosecuted Oscar, the child trafficker. Magnus agreed with this man. The other man was an accountant, a damn good one at that. Ted revealed that the man was alone responsible for all the financial cases.

In the end, Magnus agreed to all of them. They will become observer members first. After the secret inquiry, they will be given a permanent membership.

With that, their long meeting came to an end. Magnus was tired by now and decided to return home, as he would leave for the United States soon.


"Did everyone pack your luggage? The car is waiting outside." Grace asked for the last time.

Magnus sighed, "Mum, don\'t worry, even if we forget something I can just return here with a Portkey and bring whatever we need."

They were headed directly to New York. Ragnar wanted to see the Statue of Liberty. They already had an argument on it and Ragnar assured them that he didn\'t want to see it because he was horny, he was just interested.

This was an official visit, so they had to use a plane. And by now FutureTek industries and Dragon Holdings had their own big private luxury jets. However, Magnus put a charm on the cars they were using to make sure nobody followed them around.

Soon, through the VIP entry, they directly arrived at the plane. It was a big Boeing 747, modified to the brim to have all the luxury possible. Magnus didn\'t buy it himself, it was Bobby\'s. He had one more like this.

"WOAH! THIS IS HUGE!" Ragnar gaped at the sight. And once they entered, Adam and Grace were also in awe of it.

"Is this how royals travel?" Grace wondered.

Magnus scoffed, "Hah, no mum, I bet they can\'t afford this. No, this is my private property. Let\'s enjoy, watch some movies and play. There is also a bedroom, so if anybody wants to sleep you can go,"

Well, nobody wanted to sleep, they wanted to have a tour of the plane. Magnus also wanted that, so Ragnar, the bastard he was, found the hottest looking attendant and asked her for a tour.

The three babies were the goodest kids possible and never cried. They also silently looked at the various places and features of the plane. There was a big kitchen, bowling alley, shower, conference room, Billiards table, massage room and much more.

Simple to say, they didn\'t even know when they landed in New York City, as their flight was just so comfortable. Once they were out, they were greeted by a few US government officials, and the British ambassador was also there.

They were bored now, so they tolerated it until they reached the British Government owned house. However, Adam had a lot of meetings to do today, so Ragnar, Magnus and Grace ditched Adam to go out themselves. They hired an expensive luxurious limousine to take them around. It was booked by the embassy.

"Mum, what would you like to see?" Magnus inquired.

"Umm, I don\'t know. I only know about the natural attractions, not manmade ones. So you\'re the guide for me." Grace said.

Magnus didn\'t even ask Ragnar, as he knew what he wanted. Anyway, the three sat in the car with each holding one baby. They were headed to take a ferry ride to reach Liberty Island.

However, after a few minutes, the car suddenly started to go faster than normal and became uncomfortable. This was not like how a luxury car driver would drive.

This made Magnus alert. "Mum, I think something is wrong. Whatever happens, don\'t panic. We\'re all fine, nothing can hurt us, even a C-4 can\'t kill us with the charms I have on us. I will take you away with apparition so don\'t worry."

Grace nodded. It had become so common for strange things to happen. And she had full confidence in her son\'s abilities.

Ragnar nodded at Magnus silently, already understanding something was wrong.


The car suddenly stopped and the doors opened. Two men entered or, say, jumped inside the car, and both had Thompson submachine guns with them.

"Alright, no need to panic, your highnesses. You are all being kidnapped, we will let you go as soon as your royal husband pays us ten million dollars. Don\'t try anything, that\'s for the best of you." The two men brashly said. They were long coats and hats, basically what was in Mafia fashion.

Seeing this, Magnus wondered what had gotten into these men. Didn\'t he just bankrupt them not long ago? So he asked, "Are you sure? You will be making an international scene."

"Hah, neither yours nor our government will make this public. We know we can\'t kill you, and we won\'t. They need to save their reputation, and so they will quickly pay us money." one of them said proudly. Thinking their plan was best.

*Cough* "Don\'t smoke, there are babies here." Grace coughed.


Magnus noticed the other man, who had lit a cigarette. Enraged, he slammed his fist into the man\'s face, breaking his jaw and nose so hard that his jaw was left hanging and his nose shattered and pierced into his skull. The man didn\'t even cry in pain as he was restrained by a spell.

They tried to use their guns, but somehow the two guns had melted in their hands, turning into handcuffs.

"Rag, hold them. I will send mum to the big house(Camelot)." Magnus moved to Grace.

Rag nodded, "Go, brother. I will take good care of these men. Hehe..."

"Mum, grab my hand." *WOOSH*

Magnus took his siblings and Grace to Camelot.


British Embassy,

A fear-stricken man entered the ambassador\'s office where Adam was talking and revealed, "Your highness, it... we just got a call... her highness and the princes and princesses have been kidnapped by the Mafia for ransom money."

The ambassador\'s face paled in fright, this was a huge blunder, "Y-ROUR HIGHNESS... DON\'T WORRY! WE WILL..."

Adam just raised his hand, "It\'s fine, let\'s get back to work. They will be fine, I know."

Of course, Adam would not fear anything, after all, he knew about Magnus\' exploits in the magical world, he knew about Magnus killing a thousand werewolves and fighting the dark lord and his army. So, what was the muggle mafia?

The ambassador was shocked and utterly confused about what to do.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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