Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 165 - 165. LET ME SEE SOME T...

That night, Grace stayed by his side, to make sure he had no nightmares. She wondered what else goes on in her son\'s life. Was it as simple as harmless school life or was there something more troubling going on?

Too much pressure was on those little shoulders. But to her helplessness, she was no witch and didn\'t know how to help him. All she could do was be by his side when he needed her. ​​


Next Morning,

*Ding Dong*

The bell rang. It was none other than Bobby. He had probably come to see Magnus after seeing all the buzz going on in the news.

"What\'s up, Mag?" He asked.

"Bored. I\'m going to Hogwarts in a few hours. What about you? How\'s the college going?" Magnus asked back.

Bobby took a seat beside him at the breakfast table.

Magnus had woken up late today and by now Adam and Grace had left for office. So it was just him and his elf friends.

"Nothing much. Started working on our own processor chip. Intel is too slow and lacks vision. They are afraid of taking risks due to being a publicly-traded company. While FutureTek isn\'t." Bobby briefed him about the company. After all, Magnus was still 51% owner. But he never even asks Bobby about it.

Magnus ate his favourite pancakes. Feeling much better after a good night\'s sleep. He had decided he\'d need to practice Occlumency more in order to create a locker for a few memories.

"That\'s amazing. Everyone is trying to make something new I guess, all except me. Bobby, what do you think about portable computers?" Magnus suddenly asked.

"Portable computer? Hmm, we haven\'t reached that level of technology yet. It\'ll take at least a decade for it to become small enough. And the decade is for me, for the rest of the world, I don\'t think good portable computers will be made until the start of next century." Bobby guessed.

Magnus understood, "Well, my dad was developing a new battery. If he\'s successful, I think they can be very useful in your work. Just imagine a battery powered portable computer that can run for hours and you can take it anywhere."

Bobby, all of a sudden took out a small notebook from his pocket and started writing some ideas.

"That\'s a really good Idea. I think we should aim towards miniaturising the technology enough to not just make these portable computers but even make the normal computers smaller." Bobby muttered.

But, leaving all this business aside, Magnus asked, "How is uncle?"

"Oh, he\'s fine. I think there is no need to worry about cancer now. The new reports showed everything normal. But he is still drinking the health supplements as they made him feel stronger. He\'s thinking about opening his own publication, instead of just a printing press." Bobby told him.

"Good luck to him then. You should help him publish some books, or even recommend some faculty at Oxford to get their books published by your dad, they write a lot of them every year." Magnus suggested him.

Once again, Bobby wrote in his notebook. He didn\'t have Occlumancy to help him remember everything.

"I saw the news, crazy world really. What happened to them was good. The world may not know, but I know, it was all you, right? You did an amazing deed this time, Mag." Bobby praised him wholeheartedly.

Magnus shrugged, "Well, he came to mess with me on his own. Then one thing led to another and here we are. But I have certainly generated a lot of goodwill in the wizarding world now. A few magical people were also on that list, and the ministry will be dealing with them."

Magnus finished eating his breakfast and got up. He waved his wand and his Hogwarts robes flew to him which he wore.

"Okay, Bobby. I\'ll be going to school now. See you later, and stay safe. If you need me just inform Abe or George. Bye-bye..." Magnus waved goodbye.

"Bye, Mag. Say my hello to Rag and Severus." Bobby waved back. With that, Magnus vanished.

When Magnus was gone, Abe came with a plate full of more pancakes, "Mister Pendragon left? I made more pancakes."

"Bring them here, I\'ll eat them," Bobby said and started chomping.


It was Saturday, although there were no classes but he still returned, because Quidditch was starting from the next week. He didn\'t even know what new players had joined the team.


Magnus had just entered the school ground that Chad came out of nowhere. He jumped into Magnus\' arms. "Hehe, you missed me? I hope Ragnar and Severus gave you food on time.

"Hooo..." Summer also came flying and landed on his shoulder, rubbing her hand on his cheek.

"Hehe, okay okay, I\'m not going anywhere now. Let\'s go to my room." He took his two lovable pets. Along the way, students whispered, some said hello, some admired Summer and some tried to pat the chubby cat.

~Indeed, if you want attention, just get a pet.~ Magnus thought in his head.

Then, he entered the Slytherin common room. Immediately Emma came running to him. "MAGNUS! I thought you wouldn\'t come in time for the match. I was so worried, we don\'t have any other seeker."

"Calm down, I promised you we will win. And you also promised to make pancakes for me later. So you better train yourself." He said in a warning.

The hall was filled with 1st and 2nd years mostly because only they had free time on Saturdays. He saw Regulus there too, he was standing alone in the corner. It seems he was only allowed to have the Gang of Slytherin as his friends. But all of them were seniors and hence busy.

Feeling bad for him, Magnus whispered something in Summer\'s ear. She nodded and quickly flew to Regulus and sat on his shoulder and started to play with him.

Regulus was a good kid, he started smiling and played along. Animals were the best way to cure depression after all.

After again assuring Emma that he will come to the quidditch practice today, he went to his room to take his broom. He was wondering what Ragnar and Severus were doing.

"Where is Severus?" He asked Ragnar, who sat alone in the corner of the room where he had set up a small mobile potions lab.

"He\'s teaching students potions in the spare room. We have split the time, he teaches students from Slytherin while I teach students from other houses in the spare classroom. Professor Slughorn happily allowed me to use it.

Magnus nodded and proceeded to take his broom. But then his eyes fell on Ragnar\'s table. Now there were more than 5 dirty magazines.

"At least hide them for Merlin\'s sake," Magnus shouted and immediately closed the magazines.

"HEY! We were watching it." All of a sudden Arthur\'s voice came from the portrait.

Then Ragnar voiced, "Why? We\'re all men here. Is our little dragon too scared of looking into it?"

"Did you forget I was going to tell mum about it?" Magnus threatened him.

But Ragnar scoffed, "And did you forget how I fed you gibberish potion?"

"I will be careful this time," Magnus replied.

"And I will be faster," Ragnar countered.

"SHUT UP! Let this king see some tiddies in peace. Fight somewhere else." Arthur shouted from the portrait, making Magnus and Ragnar go silent and look at him with a judging look.




"Another Drug Cartel destroyed. Seriously, we should be paid by the governments for this work." Edgar Bones muttered. He had come with Adrian to get the kidnapped children who were still alive back to their parents.

He had a team of 5 people, with 4 of them from Emrys Construction security staff. Edgar came too as he wanted to exercise a little. Until now, they had recovered about 54 children. They were kidnapped from around the world.

As the ledger of Oscar had kept had specific names of places from where the kids were kidnapped, it was easy to find where their families were. MEDA company had now become a sensation worldwide with their efforts to reunite these abused children.

They had covered most continents, their last stop was South America and here most kids were bought by cartels to be used in prostitution. These cartels were very quick to fire their guns and in return, Adrian had to wipe them out one by one.

"Let\'s return home, our work is done. None of the other kids are alive. I will have to announce to the world that our operation has ended. Many parents will have to accept that their child is never returning back." Adrian heavy heartedly said and lifted the last child. She was unconscious so they didn\'t have to obliviate her later.

After that, they used the portkey and returned to the UK. And then he organised a press conference. Edgar and his people returned to the construction site, which was brimming with activity.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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