Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 146 - 146. Attack To Defend

Ragnar tried his best during the past few days. But despite all his best efforts, he wasn\'t able to successfully make the battery. It would always explode. He was also unable to find a solid electrolyte to turn it into a solid-state battery.

Disheartened, Adam patted his back, "Son, you still achieved a lot. Before I didn\'t even know where to start. Now, our only problem is containing it. I\'m sure I can come up with something. You only think about your school." ​​

"But... I wanted to make a better battery. The better it would be, the more famous you will be." Ragnar said in sadness.

Adam rarely saw Ragnar talking like a kid, this was new. But he tried to cheer him up, "I never hoped to be able to really make it. The fact that we were able to come this far is a miracle in itself. You should not feel disheartened. We still have time. Now, get up. You and Magnus need to get supplies for the school term."

Ragnar nodded and got up from his work desk. His clothes were also dirty from all the experiments he was doing. He was pushed into his bathroom by Adam.

"Come downstairs later, Grace is making breakfast," Adam told him.

Ragnar silently went to take a bath. He was surely depressed, that\'s what losing feels like and to him, failing in this was much worse, because potions were his biggest positive point. Without his potions abilities, he\'d be worth nothing.

He knew this, and also felt a little nervous that if he does not have his godly potion-making, then maybe Magnus will not stay his friend. Because Severus was good at both Potions and Charms, Bobby was exceptional in the muggle world. He only had potions and some runes, in Charms he was useless.

After changing clothes he went downstairs, they were all waiting for him for breakfast.

"Come, Ragnar, sit here," Grace called him to her side.

He obediently went to her side and sat down, not seeing the smile on Magnus\' face. Immediately after, Abe and George brought breakfast. For Ragnar, his favourite chicken sandwiches were made. Magnus was still obsessed with pancakes so he was eating them.

At least seeing his favourite breakfast made Ragnar cheer up. He started eating sandwiches one after another. Meanwhile, Grace made small talk.

"Have you made the list of all the books you need for this year?" She asked Magnus.

Magnus rolled his eyes, "Mummy, I\'ve already memorised everything till 6th-year syllabus. I don\'t need to buy books."

"Don\'t be over-smart, Magnus, or you will fall harder which will be more painful." She warned him.

Magnus knew not to take her warning jokingly. For some reason, he had felt that Grace could predict whenever he was going to do something foolish. She would warn him and he would ignore her, then exactly what she had warned would happen.

He remembers when he was 8 and had gone to the park with her after the heavy rain, she warned him not to play on the swing or he\'ll fall. He ignored and sure enough, he fell face first in the puddle of mud and water.

"Okay, mum. I will buy them all." He said in defeat.

"Oh, eat more, Ragnar. You just tasted them." Grace put another sandwich in his place.

~But... I ate 8 of them already.~ He thought. But there was no harm in eating more.

After a while, all of them had finished eating and the table was clear. Adam and Grace glanced at each other, nudging each other with eyes to talk to Ragnar.

Ragnar noticed this and asked with a chuckle, "What\'s the matter?"


"Sweetie, we wanted to give you something. Umm... here..." Grace hesitantly said and handed him a piece of paper.

Confused, Ragnar opened it. Immediately his eyes fell on the heading on the document and he muttered it loud. "Report of Adoption?"

His hands started shaking as he read the full document. It had his name on it and also a seal from the ministry of magic and the muggle ministry. Signatures of Adam and Grace were already there. And at the place of the reason for adoption, they had just written, "Because we love Ragnar and he\'s already like our son."

He looked up at Grace\'s face and asked, "A-are you sure?"

Grace smiled and caressed his hair, "Silly boy, of course we are. To us, you are already like Magnus. Ever since you started living with us, we saw you as our own child."

"Hmm..." Ragnar nodded and looked down at the document again. It was a very confusing feeling, he didn\'t know if he should be happy or sad right now. Should he cry or laugh in joy? Emotions were ravaging.

Magnus was obviously not going to let his brother be like this, "Let\'s go, Rag. We\'re going to Diagon Alley. I bet Sev will be there too."

Adam agreed, "Yes, son. Go with Magnus. Don\'t worry about signing the document. Whenever you feel like signing it, sign it. We will always be here for you. To us, you are already a part of the family."

Nodding, Ragnar left with Magnus. They just teleported to Daigon Alley with Abe.

After they were gone, Grace nervously looked at Adam\'s face, "Will he sign it?"

Adam had no idea, so he replied. "I don\'t know, Grace. But whatever he decides, we must accept."


"What do you want to buy, Rag? Stuff for potions?" Magnus asked while walking around lazily. Abe accompanied them as he was going to take their stuff home.

"Yeah, we\'ll have to buy that for potions class. I\'m hoping to empty Slughorn\'s brain this year and take all his knowledge." Ragnar was back to his active mood.

"Well, I want to learn Alchemy too. I mean, I\'m amazing at Charms by blood, also at Curses, I\'m studying Runes as well. All that\'s left is a substitute for my lack of Potions abilities. For this, I think Alchemy can be good.

"I heard old Dumbledore is friends with Nicolas Flamel. I\'ll ask him to give me that ancient man\'s address. No harm in trying to learn how to make a philosopher\'s stone," Magnus told him of his plan.

Hearing the name of the stone, Ragnar got excited, "If one day you are able to get it or make it, please let me check it out too. I wonder what potions I can make with it."

"Sure, I bet Sev would like the same," Magnus said.

They were on their way to Severus\' shop, not really his though. But Magnus was sure someday he will have his own shop, and it will be the best in the market.

Abe enthusiastically led the way. While walking, they noticed people looking at Magnus and talking. Some girls even started screaming as if they had seen the biggest treasure ever.

"What the hell has happened since the last time we came here?" Magnus wondered.

"Sir don\'t know?" Abe started telling him.

"The new book about you has become so popular around the world. People have become your fans and girls see you as their prince charming because you really are a prince right now." He explained.

"All this... Because of a book? That\'s crazy." Ragnar exclaimed.

They sped up and quickly arrived at the shop. Abe went ahead to hold the door for them, even though he was scolded many times before for doing this.

But, just as Abe tried to open the door, it was slammed open, bumping on Abe\'s face very hard. He fell backwards on the ground.

"Ouuu..." Abe held his long nose, it was bleeding now.

From the door came out a tall black-haired chubby man. He had the air of a douchebag around him, as he looked down at Abe. He clicked his tongue in disgust.

"Tsk... filth... get out of my way." He said as if addressing some garbage. He lifted his leg to kick Abe aside.

"ABE, ATTACK TO DEFEND. A royal family member is just being attacked. I\'m sure the ministry will understand." Magnus commanded immediately.

"STEP BACK, BAD HUMAN!" Abe immediately fired a blue light from his finger and made the man fall back inside the shop.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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