Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 127 - 127. Attack On Girlfriend?

Severus had been working as an assistant at a shop in Diagon Alley. He just wanted to make some money and help his mother. His mother was also working as a sales assistant at another potion shop. The salary was not enough if a single person worked only, so, with Severus\' addition, the money problem was solved.

But, it wasn\'t like Severus was poor. His modified potion patents were making him a good amount of money, but, for now, he was spending all that on building his lab in the new house\'s basement. ​​

He knew that if he were to ask Magnus for it he would get the whole lab set up in a single day, but he felt that Magnus already had done too many favours to him and he couldn\'t always go to him to ask for help. This time, he needed to do it himself.


Someone entered the shop. Severus was prepared to take the order. The Potion shops normally had a pre-designated way of working. They would usually keep a stock of some high-demand potions in the shop at all times, like some beauty potions, anti-venom portions, some blood replenishing or health potions. But if someone wants to buy anything specific from the catalogue then they would need to order it and wait for it to be brewed. The wait depends on the complexity of the potion, it could be a few hours or even days.

Severus looked towards the door, but instead of greeting, he could only look in disgust. It was none other than Lucius Malfoy and Avery. They had graduated from the school and were now probably a part of the Death Eater army.

Lucius had a smile on his face as if he was the most gentle creature on earth. "Hello, Severus. Good to see you here, honing your talents."

"Hmm..." Severus acknowledged their existence but didn\'t say anything. He just pushed the catalogue of potions towards them.

"Ah, what did I do to be treated with such animosity? I thought we Slytherins were all friends." Lucius said.

Severus replied in an irritated voice, "But I am a half-blood, I thought I didn\'t deserve to be in Slytherin."

"You are wrong then. What your parents did is not your fault. We only have a problem with mudbloods, as they\'re the ones stealing our magic from us. Let me see what I will require from this shop." He started looking at the catalogue while Avery started looking around.

"Hmm, give me Babbling Beverage, Antidote to Common Poisons and Dizziness Draught. That\'s about it." Lucius ordered.

Severus started to pack all these items as they were common potions and were already in stock.

"Hmm... are you still circling around that Magnus? No doubt, he\'s a genius of no match. But, book knowledge can not cover your lack of physical skills." Lucius started weaving the threads of what he considered brainwashing.

But Severus, who was now experienced in Occlumency and Legilimency, had a much sharper and stronger brain.

He mockingly replied, "Then how will you explain him killing 4 death eaters all alone?"

"Luck and help from his bloodline. I heard he was using a strange staff during that time. Must be some kind of an artefact. Will he still be able to fight without it?" Lucius argued.

But Severus immediately argued, "He already did. Don\'t forget the Battle of Diagon Alley. He stopped a killing curse and also defeated many more enemies with a normal wand. Just admit it, he\'s strong in both mind and power. And he\'s just of my age."

"Overconfidence, I hope you put your money on the right player, or you might lose everything." Avery suddenly advised which sounded more like a warning.

"You too..." Severus replied and handed the package to them.

Lucius took it but also handed Severus a piece of paper, "It was good meeting you. If someday you need something, this is where you can find me."

Severus saw them leave with a plain face. He really didn\'t care about them at all. He looked at the piece of paper, it has an address in Knockturn Alley.

"Wasted my time." He muttered and threw the paper in the fire. Then, he started brewing his potions.

~Today I will be able to buy the important equipment. Then I can practice Potions with Lily.~ he thought in his head.


Outside the shop, Lucius stood with a cold smile on his face. He held the package of potion vials in his hand and squeezed them little by little until they broke and spilt on the ground.

"Malfoy..." Avery shook him.

Lucius\'s face turned angry and ugly, "Did you see that? Even a poor filthy half-blood like him now talk back to us. If it weren\'t for his talents, I would have snapped his neck long ago."

"Calm down, our lord has ordered us not to harm talented wizards, especially if they are Magnus\' friends." Avery reminded him.

Lucius frustratedly looked around himself. Ever since his father had died, he had found it getting harder to keep himself calm all the time.

But then his eyes fell on a shop just across the street. It was a store of Nimbus Racing Broom Company. A girl was inside the shop, happily cleaning the brooms on the showcase.

"The Dark Lord told us not to target his friends and we shall obey his command. Isn\'t she the girl rumoured to be that filth\'s girlfriend?" He asked.

Avery nodded, "Indeed. Disgusting how a pureblood could fall for a mud-blood."

"Let\'s see if those rumours are correct, besides, blood-traitors need to be taught a lesson," Lucius said with a smile.


Back inside the shop.

Severus\' shift was about to come to an end. After talking to Lucius just now, his mood was also not too good. However, he needed to wait for a little as the delivery of the empty vials was supposed to arrive today.


"Argh.. did he break the vials?" Severus got annoyed hearing it coming from outside the shop\'s door. He went there to check it, but, he only saw Lucius and Avery standing a distance away and talking.

Severus used his mind quickly and took a hearing enhancing potion and drank it. And then he heard everything the two were talking about.

His face turned anxious as soon as he found out what they were planning. In a hurry, he went to his table and started writing a letter addressed to Magnus. Then he used the shop\'s delivery owl and sent it.

"His girlfriend or not, she is a Slytherin, a wizard, and nobody deserves to be targeted for just being close to Magnus." He muttered to himself and started putting a lot of potion vials in his pocket. Then he strapped his wand to his coat. If needed, he will intervene. But he hoped that the two fools would not outright attack them in the shop.


Magnus\' Mansion


"YOU WILD DRAGON. I WILL SLAY YOU AND WIN ALL THE GLORY IN THE KINGDOM..." Magnus waved his fake wooden sword in front of Duck while the two played fighting.

Duck was also fully into it and acted hurt whenever the sword would touch his body.

Grace, Martha, Adam and Ragnar were sitting by the side and watching the show. They were also clapping every once in a while.

"CHAD! SUMMER! Come and help, my friends." Magnus shouted.


All of a sudden, Summer appeared in the sky, she was wearing a Superman costume while Chad was wearing a Batman costume. Summer was carrying Chad with her claws.

Summer hovered over Duck and then released Chad. The fat cat started punching Duck with his paws, in response Duck made fake cries of pain and moved around.

"GRAAAAA..." Duck threw flames from his mouth as he saw Magnus coming towards him.

"AAAH!" Magnus acted hurt. But Magnus was actually fully immune to fire damage.

But, sadly, his clothes were not. Slowly, all of his clothes burned to ashes and his naked body was present for all to see.

"AH! DUCK, DAMN YOU!" He genuinely cursed and quickly hid his manhood with his hands.


Ragnar whistled and shouted, "MAG... USE YOUR OTHER SWORD."


A sudden flash attracted Magnus\' gaze, he saw a camera in Adam\'s hand. "DAD, DON\'T..."

But, Adam laughed, "It\'s okay, Mag, I will frame this picture, I will show it to your kids, nobody will guess that this little naked boy is the King of Britain."

"Hehe..." Grace also chuckled.

"GAHAHA..." Even Duck chuckled.

Magnus, seeing this, shouted at Duck, "You did it on purpose? Take this... HAAAA..."

Now both Magnus and Duck started throwing fire from their mouths. Magnus even threw it from his palms and feet. He was also hiding his manhood with fire. Meanwhile, everyone else clapped.


But they stopped when suddenly a big owl arrived there. Summer intercepted the owl and brought it to Magnus. Still naked but secure with fire, Magnus took the letter and made Ragnar throw some food to the owl.

~Hmm... Sev sent it?~

[You can see the Potion Shop on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 21 advance chapters or my Naruto fic and the new Crazy Multiverse Fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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