My Evil System

Chapter 98 It Was All Me . . .

‖ M E G U ‖

Location: Haven\'s Village


❶ A player who was brought into this world a month ago along with her daughter.

❷ One of the players that is considered a bug and is given the rare class, Puppeteer.

❸ Number of Tokens: 4

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP:  200

MP:  500

STRG:  4

DEF:  10

MDF:  5

INT:  40

AGL:  5

LCK:  14

‖ S K I L L ‖

Passive Skill:

❶ A Mother & Daughter\'s Bond

–– If you hold Angelica in your arms, your stat combines.

Active Skill:

❶ Puppet Storage LV.1

–– Can control one creature.

❷ Puppets Strings LV.2

–– Thin strings that only you can see are attached to the creature you wish to control.

–– LCK must be higher for a hundred percent success.

–– Creatures can be controlled for two minutes, and after the time is up, they won\'t know what happened.

–– Can control the same creature multiple times.

–– Cooldown 2x day.

❸ Strings of Doom LV.1

–– Multiple invisible thin strings pierce your enemy.

–– Damage is equal to 10% of INT

–– Cooldown 10 seconds

‖ E N D ‖

‖ A N G E L I C A ‖

Location: Haven\'s Village


❶ A player who was brought into this world a month ago along with her mother.

❷ A one-year-old baby who can walk but can\'t talk much. One of the bug players.

❸ Number of Tokens: 0

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP:  20

MP:  10

STRG:  1

DEF:  5

MDF:  5

INT:  10

AGL:  5

LCK:  ꝏ

‖ S K I L L ‖

Passive Skill:

❶ Baby\'s Charms

–– Everyone who looks at you will feel light and will let their guard down. All affected creatures are Charmed.

❷ Angelica\'s Gift

–– You are gifted with an infinite amount of LCK. All attacks and status effects will never hit you, and you will have an advantage with everything you do because of your infinite LCK.

You are one lucky baby.

❸ A Mother & Daughter\'s Bond

–– When you\'re held by your mother, your stat combines.

Active Skill:

❶ Angelica\'s Cry LV.1

–– An AoE damage that reduces your enemies\' stat by 10% for one minute.

–– Cost -10 MP

–– Cooldown 10 seconds

‖ E N D ‖

Megu\'s POV

My role had always been a weak woman who needed someone to take care of me. I was a trophy wife, and my husband thought that he could do anything to me because I was just his property.

There was no love between us, only committed to our parents in exchange for an extravagant life.

I endured the beatings, the mistreatment, the verbal abuse, and the curses, all for the sake of Angelica. For my child, I would do anything. She was my only reason for living.

One evening, my husband came home drunk. He was always drunk every night, but this time, he had it worse. He was going to hurt Angelica, my daughter, the only one giving me hope and the only source of my happiness.

But I would never let him do that to my precious baby, so I snapped. I grabbed the bedside lamp and smashed it on his head. As everything turned blurry, I heard a crack and the loud shattering of glass with it.

I desperately headed to Angelica and held her tight just in time when a bright light came at us from the balcony window.

Before I knew it, we were transported here to Nordlands, where everything seemed like a fantasy game.

I didn\'t know what was worse — getting transported into this dangerous world with powers or facing the consequences of what I did back on Earth.

In the end, I was thankful that Angelica and I were still together.

At first, everything was well. But as time went on, I was subject to the usual harassment just because I was a woman with a seductive face and an alluring body. Those men didn\'t live long, though.

Brago and the others thought that they had left, but the truth was . . . I killed them.

The harassment would never stop by just begging and crying . . . and I knew this well because I had tried it.

Instead of fear and dread, I felt empowered. For the first time, I can protect myself and Angelica. These men were only puppets against me.

Combined with Angelica\'s LCK, we were able to protect ourselves until . . . we stumbled upon the once Euclid village again when we sought shelter from the blood-colored rain. A village that was now being managed by a player named Cross.

He seemed nice at first glance. Naïve even, especially when he let us into his home without a second thought. Others wouldn\'t. It was just too risky.

It was either Cross was naïve enough or . . . he was confident about something.

I intended to find out. But my skill [Puppeteer Strings] could only be used two times a day. I always reserved one for emergencies and one for Brago if he ever tried something funny again.

At first, I wanted to kill Brago but seeing that he was useful because he was strong, I let him live a little longer.

But this left me with so few chances of knowing Cross\'s secret. A regular player couldn\'t possibly have built this all in just a month.

He must be hiding something. For my and Angelica\'s safety, I was resolved to know his secret.

However, days passed, and I still hadn\'t gotten the chance to know. He was always away the entire day and guarded by Florin every night.

Eventually, I forgot about it. Cross was either just like that or did a good job of hiding his intention behind his innocent mask.

And now, our current predicament.

The shock was an understatement when he killed everyone with a snap of his finger. He seemed so scared and meek just a while ago, but now . . . I looked at him, and I couldn\'t help but shake in fear.

Was he just pretending to act like a naïve person the whole time while hiding his true personality?

( . . . continuation on NOTES)

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